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This website was created so that my peers could understand the consequences of having unprotected sex with multiple partners.

How can I be tested?
Wasserman Test- A sample of blood is tested using a complement fixation method, for antibodies to the syphilis organism T. Pallidum; a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection; a “false positive” reaction occurs un certain other diseases.
~Barron’s Student’s Concise Encyclopedia
Here are some Neat Facts!

*In the US 35,600 cases of syphilis were reported
* Black women ages 20-30 are thirty times more likely to get Syphilis

Causative Agent
*Caused by Treponema Pallidum
* T. Pallidum pathogenisis are poorly understood
* The Body’s first line of defense against the disease is the epidermis. Once the T. Pallidum seeps through the skin and gets a hold of the mucous membranes and the placenta you are infected with Syphilis.
More Information

How Do You get SYPHILIS?
Common modes of transmission are through sexual contact. If you do those to have sex it is important that you get tested for the various STD’s. The only way you can get this disease is if you have sex with someone who has syphilis.

Penicillin and Antibiotics are used to treat this disease. For primary and secondary syphilis antibiotic therapy for 7-10 days can treat the disease successfully. For the tertiary Stage, treatment must be maintained for over 21 days.”
Alternative Herbal Treatment

Nisha’s Thoughts
The reason I chose syphilis as my STD is because it sounded vaguely familiar. I said that this disease “sounds bad and interesting but I’m sure that with modern medication it can be taken care of fairly quickly and simply”
Soon enough I learned that this disease is scary and there are so many things that you have to be careful about when having sex. Sex is a serious thing emotionally and physically and no person should have sex unless they are truly ready.

[ STAGE 1- painless sore- chancre develops]
[STAGE 2- Rash, Swollen Glands]
[STAGE 3- Brain and Heart Damage]

Disease is not genetic it is transmitted through the blood

Nisha' Bibiliography
Albertson, M. Syphilis Facts. Retrieved May. 11, 2003, (
Treponema Pallidum. Retrieved May. 19, 2003,
"Treponema pallidum Nichols" The Institute for Genomic Research The Institute for Genomic Research. 19 May. 2003
Office of Communications and Public Liaison, . "Fact Sheet" National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institute Of Health. 19 May. 2003
"STD Survelliance 1999" Syphilis Center for Disease and Control Prevention. 19 May. 2003
Click here for Cool Pictures about Syphilis