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My First Home Page

Well... Welcome to my Homepage! I really hope that you were invited to my site and did not just find it by accident. That would be soooo embarrassing if someone in my family saw the site. I created this site just for my friends. These were taken at my sisters house before we moved. I decided to put up this pic because I thought it looked nice. :) I try to keep in tip top shape so I try to workout often. Eating a healthy diet is the key though.

(A little about me)

1. My favorite color is blue (any shade of blue is fine with me). I don't go crazy and have everything blue but when it comes to my artistic side, alot of the stuff that I create is mainly in a blue pallette.

2. I have a dog (spike) and a cat (cheebah) both of which hate each other and fight like crazy. I think that they play fight though cause no one ever gets hurt...

3. I love to read & write poetry but I just don't see a future in that for me. I am also into painting and photography.

4. I am always striving to learn something new so I tend to take courses at the CC just for the hell of it. I figure that the more I know, the better....

5. I like to read newspaper cartoons and think that Dilbert would have to be my favorite.

(About the Course that I took)

Well, let me tell you more about the class that I took at the CC... It was one of those "quick courses" at the Community College that taught the "basics of web designing." The teacher explained to us how this used to be done by something called HTML. Now it has been made easier by programs that have what is called WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). All there is to know is how to type and how to drag and drop things ito place. It's not that difficult and if I was able to do it, anybody can do it. LOL!I love taking courses that I think will help me in the future. The way that everything is going nowadays, you can't get hired anywhere unless you have computer knowledge. So the more I learn, the better.

I am so proud to say that me and my sister (she's the one that took these pictures) have purchased a house together. We are very close and I think that it will work out well for the both of us. We were tired of renting seperately so we found this cozy little place that we can call our own.

I have some PROVOCATIVE pictures that I will show you and I can give you my Contact Info so that we could stay more in touch if you sign up for a SEXKEY ID.

If you sign up for a SEXKEY ID..... You won't be disappointed :))

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Talk to you soon! XOXO Stephanie...

p.s. I will be updating this site as often as I can adding new things that I learn how to do. I found these really cute animated pictures that I am eventually going to add to the site but I have to figure out where to put them first. Check back often to see what improvements I have made. Luv... Steph