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Path to Success
Saturday, 3 April 2004
Been Busy!!!
Hi All!

Sorry that I have been taking a bit of time to post, I have been super busy lately! (Up to 14 hour days!) The business is moving along smoothly, but as it is based in the oil industry I am a little worried if it will stand up to the test of time.

Otherwise our business is building steadily and more and more people are getting interested with what we are able to do to help them!

I am getting to the stage that I am worrying about the coming Oil Crisis Daily, and how it will affect My and My GF's plans. I know this may be a selfish way to think - but that is the way people think these days!

I haven't been doing to good with shares, and I haven't been doing much exerice either! But I have lost about 2kg over the past week. I think it must be due to my healthy eating!


Posted by oz/successordeath at 7:15 PM WST
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Monday, 29 March 2004
Hisashiburidesu ne!
Hi All!
Yes I havent done in entry in a week. Ah well. Been a bit busy and all.

Our website for our business is going ahead! So I am quite pleased with that. Things keep looking up for the business. I just hope everything runs as smoothly as I hope it to. Once our system is set up then I will be able to expand the business more. Dam I hope the system works!

In other news, well nothing really. Been a boring week. All I am doing is working towards the business. It is stressing me out a bit but, once it is going I will be able to relax more, and concentrate on working. (not making!)

I am thinking of other business ideas so that I can run something in the mean time to support me now. I have a few lost cost ideas in the 2 to 3k range but nothing that is really concrete... If I have any good ideas I will let you know.

Oh yeah I forgot, I may be going to Japan in the next month or so (for business), to formalize stuff with our supplier. I hope that I do go as I would really enjoy going back after a 4 year absence!


Posted by oz/successordeath at 1:25 PM WST
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Monday, 22 March 2004
Damn It!
Hi All!

Well a mixed bad today!

First in the options arena, I sold 2 lots of options I was holding, one I made a loss on the other I made a gain on. Overall I made a loss! :(
The worst part was that the options raised straight after I sold them. Not a huge loss but none the less! Anyway I bought some good options that I am sure will pay off in the next few days with the current politcal situation!

In other news going on a holiday with my girlfriend which is cool, coz her Dad is pretty strict but has finally let up! Pheww!

Other good news is my friend from Japan is coming over in September for a holiday! Time to take him drinking Aussie style and up to the hills for some OZ-world Drifting!



Posted by oz/successordeath at 9:57 PM WST
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
Not a busy week ahead
Hi all!

Yes it's Sunday today. Nothing much to do but relax, same with the upcoming week. A couple of days work for the mining company, then replying to Emails for the Importing business and trading in the morning.

I've decided to start exercising again, as I am becoming pretty unhealthy. As I said you have to make sacrifices when you are chasing your dreams, and unfortunately my fitness has been one of them. Luckily though it is easy for me to start exercising again, as I tuned my body well when younger. I'm also trying to eat healthier, but I will let you all know how that is going.

You know what I am sick of? I'm sick of whiners! They complain about how hard they have it, how there life has been so difficult up until now. I have noticed this a lot more because of reality TV. The people that complain all the time are usually the losers of life, and the people that look at it as a new experience are usually the winners of life. Obviously we should adapt this policy for our own lives, and look at each hurdle as a step to growth, not a hinderance. Our thinking has a lot of direction of how our life turns out.

"In Asia, they believe LUCK is what you may get when you put in the extra effort. In the West, they believe LUCK is what they should get, when putting in little or no effort."

With this mentallity in mind is it no wonder the Asians are so willing to physically overwork themselves for the good of there family?


Posted by oz/successordeath at 10:21 AM WST
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Saturday, 20 March 2004
I have no idea
Hi again!

I have no idea how to make a web page... even though my Importing business uses a e-commerce site that I need to update. So sorry if my Blog sucks.

Well it's late at night and there is nothing to do, I am just casually checking the markets (US,UK) and biding my time listening to tunes. That's the thing about trying to make it, you have to make sacrifices.... Large sacrifices.... Are the rewards worth it? Only time will tell! My goal is to retire by 25. Can I make it? If I can, then I hope to share with you all the way in which I did.

Is my need to succed, a way to adapt in this modern world? Or is it to try find a superiority niche in this age?

Either way I hope that I can!

Success.. what is it?
To me success is being able to do what you want when you want.
Why do I want it?
I want to build my (and family's) future in the new developing world of post-oil energy.

Anyway at the moment I am as bored as a Lesbian in a Poofter bar.

You can email me at if you have any questions.


Posted by oz/successordeath at 12:17 AM WST
Updated: Saturday, 20 March 2004 12:18 AM WST
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First Post!
Hi all!

This is my first post! This a blog I thought I would create to keep me motivated and all.

Anyway a bit about myself. I am 21 years old. I live in Australia. I work for a mining company part time. Whilst not working I trade shares. And in the afternoon when the market is closed I work on my Importing Business. I love driving, football (AFL), music (Dance and Grunge), gym and my (3 year) girlfriend.

I also speak fluent Japanese and am currently learning Chinese. I am of German/Polish ancestery - Yeah I know wierd combination, especially as it was DURING the time of WW2.

Basically this blog is about my story of $0 to $gazillion and the stories I have as the story of my life unfolds.

Posted by oz/successordeath at 12:07 AM WST
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