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A "hyper-link" could go here

The Best Place in the World to Work!

The point of the Page

Man I dunno where to start. I gues the point of this site is to be able to record my feelings about a campainge thats startin, which I'm involved in. Its a campaigne to compete in a world famous sailing race, in the youngest crew ever. I gues I won't mention the name of the race cos I wanna be able to keep this anonymous, after all it is all my thoughts... And we'll probably be gettin a bit of media coverage if this gets off the ground.

I'm pritty excited, because this really is a huge opportunity, and the potential crew sounds bloody fantastic. I know most of them but theres a couple I don't, so it should be rad.

Damn I need one of those weblogs things. But I don't wanna pay for it! Thats what I need tho.

Shit this'll be fun.