"Do unto others as you would want to be done unto you"

Racism - a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others 2. A policy of enforcing such asserted right 3. A system of government and society based upon it.
What's the Deal?

What the deal is that race is something that should not be of value when making friends. Race should not be of value when making decisions about who gets the job, the part, the popularity. Race should not be a factor in many things. Yes your culture and religion is important and important to you only, but as much pride as you might have in it, there is no means for you to discriminate and alienate any other member or person on this planet. The deal is, people are getting discriminated, alienated, picked on, and laughed at for their skin colour, their culture, their beliefs. None of that should be happening. As each individual is entitled to, we are entitled to dignity, love, friends, and life. One should have all of those and still feel comfortable in their own community. They should still be able to carry on their life without having to fear others who do not approve of them. There should be no such thing as approval. No one needs approval to be who they are.

My Opinion

In my opinon, I think that discrimination of race is the stupidity immaturity. I think that Racism should be stopped immediately, I see no point in the discrimination of others of other races for if you do then I think that your maturity level is very low. There were many people born before us, a lifetime of people who gave their life up fighting for rights, freedom, speech and in return we discriminate those who should have the right to be who they are? I think not. Racism a crule part of life in which many people should not take part in. I think that everyone should be able to feel safe and secure when they are walking on the streets, when they are in school, at work at play. They should feel as if they were part of the community, a place of belonging. People should be able to walk into stores and not be told to get out because they are of a different race or color. People should be able to join any sort of club that they want to and be what they want to because they have the right to be. Racism is one of the many evils on earth, and it must be stopped sooner then later. I believe that we are all of ONE race and that no one is different. We are all unique in our own way through our personalities and gifts. Appearance is decieving, but what comes from our heart is true. So don't judge others before you get to know them for you never know, they might be exactly like you in so many ways, but if you don't give them a chance then you might lose out on something as great as a friendship, a love, a best friend, a soulmate, or even an angel.


Martin Luther King Jr.
"I have a dream"

Rosa Louise Parks
The Woman who helped change the way of the world today

Nelson Rohlihlaahla Mandela

How To Get Involved?

Adults, teenagers, children can get involved to help stop racism starting with themselves. Make an impression on those around you, be a role model, help carve a new path in society and stop following the old ones. Be yourself and be strong in your beliefs, stop racism within your own classroom, then start moving to a bigger picutre. Just never forget, we were all created equally, we all came into the world the same way with the same breathe of God, so we should all be treated equally. What you do unto others will be done unto you, so always remember to put yourself in someone else's position.

So What Is The Importance Anyways?

Racism is an important issue because it has existed for the longest time in society yet there has not been a stop to it. Many people have attempted to stop racism yet it continues on till this day. Many people are discriminated for their race, culture, and beliefs. All those people who have tried to make a difference in life to try and stop racism has succeeded to a point yet they have not stopped it completely. They have been able to minimize greatly since past century or so.
By - Amanda C -
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