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Slackerz On Strike
||| Joining ||| Members ||| Linx |||
Now I would Like to welcome the newest Slackers to join this squad T-Street, Rubber Ducky, and Stargazer.I would also like to add that we're still looking for more soldiers until I say otherwise.

We haven't had any matches yet but I'm working on schedualing a match. I am also thinking of chaging the clan name. If you have any suggestions for the new name e-mail me

Our squad is starting to get members and now you have to try out to get in. Try outs will be either a 1vs1 match against a current member of my choosing, or a spectate tryout where I will spectate you in a match of CTF. I'm thinking of extending our clan into an all out Q3A clan. In doing this we will have a CTF, DM, TDM, and EXCESSIVE team. If you would like to have this then send me an e-mail and tell me what you want to be in.