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This page is designed to get feedback from the players of the league. There is going to be an email address set up just for comments. It will be checked daily and if anything come up that makes sense the council will go into a vote.


Image of the Month

Site of the Month




Welcome to Stiefel Roller Hockey

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Thanks ~

Also, the layout you are viewing provided by Anime Dreamz in one way or another is linked to AD. If you are to use one of AD's 'FREE' layouts it is required you link to AD on your site in one way or another. These were worked very hard on and Anime Dreamz would like to recieve credit for our effort. Please do consider and leaving the links on the pages so we can keep providing for the anime community. All this can be found in the Read Me's text files.

Best regards,
Webmaster @ Anime Dreamz

Updated on Aug 12th