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Steve and Doug's favorate Animals...

Our schemes to get Rich

Fill a pit with fire...spray WD-40 on bike wheels...Leap over pit...5$ to watch
Kyle pulls up shirt...Fat sticks out...He jigs
TP someones house...Do a crappy job...Offer to clean it for money
Get Kyle to make retarded face...Take picture...Spam throughout the whole web...Charge 5$ if clicked on
Buy 7,000 squeezee cows for $1.50 each...sell for $6.00 a piece
Call Guieness...Get Kyle to fart repeatedly for over 27 hours...Get rich by putting his name in Guiness Bokk of World Records
Get cardboard boxes...Paint them like phones...Sell them to your neighbors
Get cardboard boxes...Paint them like computers...Sell them to your neighbors
Get cardboard boxes...Paint them like Televisions...Sell them to your neighbors
Get Phones...Paint them like cardboard boxes...Sell them to your neighbors
Make cheap things and sell them outside of Tohono Chul Gift Gallery
Get black rocks and white out...Paint silly figures on them and say they are spiritual...Sell them for $1.00 cheaper then spirit stones inside of Tohono Chul Gift Gallery
Buy cheap hand-cream from Wal-Mart...Sell it in the Booze Gallery under the name Cactus Pete's Booze Creme for $1.00 cheaper than Cactus Hand Creme in Tohono Chul Gift Gallery
But plastic eggs from Wal-Mart during Easter...Paint them like Chicken Eggs...Sell them back to Wal-Mart for $3.00 profit
Catch Doves....Put them in cages...Tell people that they are endangered chikadees...Get donations to help save the species...Then sell the birds
Tell people that you want money
Inflate Balloons with farts...Force people to pay you or you will smash it on them
Make fake lightbulbs and sell them like they are real lightbulbs

If you would like to donate money: If you would like to email Steve or Doug go to: If you would like to learn how to get rich fast go to: or If you would like to learn random facts go to: If you would like to become genious go to: If you are retarted, gay, or Kyle go to: