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Thursday July 3rd, the last day of filming Scooby Doo Too, and the day before Independence Day

Thursday July 3rd, the last day of filming Scooby Doo Too, and the day before Independence Day. Sarah and Freddie, had already wrapped their final scenes, and were waiting Seth Green and Jason Liliard to finish, which would mark the end of filming.


It was late out, close to midnight in Los Angeles. They had finished shooting in Vancouver last week. Just before the director was set to yell ‘that’s a wrap,’ one of the stagehands grabbed Sarah aside and told her that there was an important phone call for her. Sarah excused herself in order to take the call.


She picked up the line and the conversation began. “Hi! This is Sarah.”


“Hi Sarah,” a man responded.


“Joss, is that you?”


“Yeah,” Joss began. “How’d you know it was me?”


“C’mon Joss,” Sarah began. “We did work together for nearly seven years.”


“Good point Sarah,” Joss replied. “Well, the reason I’m calling is, last month we began shooting the Angel episodes.”


“Wow,” Sarah accidentally interrupted. “How time flies. It’s weird, now that I think about it. Not having to be there with you filming Buffy episodes. Although, I didn’t realize you were going to be there writing and supervising that much.”

“I was saying the same thing to Angel today Sarah,” Joss said. “I…”


“You mean David, right Joss?” Sarah stated while interrupting Joss. “You said Angel, but you meant Joss right?”


Joss paused for a sec and then responded, “That’s right David. Sorry about that Sarah. I’ve been so entrenched with the filming and writing thus far. I guess my mind is a little shot. But you know how it is.”


Sarah was convinced by Joss’ answer but still was a little leery because of her encounter a couple of months ago. “So, Joss, it’s good to hear from you, but what’s up? Sorry to be so abrupt, but we are just about to wrap filming up? It’s a matter of minutes, then Freddie and I are gonna take a hiatus for a week, before I start shooting a romantic comedy.”


“Oh, ok,” Joss began answering. “I was hoping that you’d come over, read a couple of scripts, and then tape an ep. Or two. I just had an awesome idea for your reappearance. I think it would be huge, for the fans and the show. This script is terrific. But if you’re going on vacation, it can wait, I guess for much later in the season.”


“Man,” Sarah said while becoming upset. “Shoot, I want to come and do that for you, but Freddie and I haven’t had any alone time since before shooting. I mean we’ve shared a trailer, but it’s not the same. Shoot!”


Joss didn’t respond and an awkward silence arose. Finally, the two both responded, then Joss said “You first Sarah.”

“Maybe, I could come for one day, before we leave, or I can just meet Freddie. Let me go talk with him Joss. Give me a sec ok,”


“Ok Sarah,” Joss replied.


Sarah made her way to where Freddie and the rest of the cast of Scooby Doo Too were talking. They were finished with the filming, and were just chatting before they would disperse and not see each other until the premiere. Sarah said hello to everyone then pulled Freddie aside, in order to discuss her dilemma. Freddie was visibly upset when Sarah told him about the idea of her meeting him at their vacation spot.


“Sarah, damn it,” Freddie blurted. “I thought we both wanted this. Too leave today too relax, before our next projects start. Now, you want to meet me there. What if you can’t make it? I don’t know when I’ll see you again. I’m going to Australia, and you’re staying here.”


“I understand your disappointment Freddie, but we just got married. We have our whole lives together. And besides, Joss has done so much for me. He’s one of my best friends. I owe him this, and besides, he said that the script is unbelievable. How can I turn down an unbelievable script?”


Freddie dropped his head and then responded, “Ok, Sarah! Go do that, but please make it. I want to spend some time alone with my wife.”


“Thank you Freddie,” Sarah replied. “Don’t worry I’ll see you in two days.”

Sarah ran back to the phone told Joss she would be there in a couple of hours.

Once Joss hung up the phone, he smiled and said “She’ll be here shortly. So, I’ve done my part, now you’ve got to do yours.”


“Don’t worry Joss,” Angel answered. “It’s all under control. Everyone’s ready!”




