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An extremely tired Sarah made her way back to her trailor after an extremely long day of filming. So many thoughts raced through her head as she approached the trailer. But one was the most prevalent, sleep!


As she got closer to her trailer, she noticed that there was no security guard escorting her, or even waiting to see if she got home alright. But since she was deliriously tired, she shrugged it off, besides, what could happen? She was only three feet from the door. But unfortunately for her, those three feet would seem like an eternity away.


She was stopped abruptly by a strange yet familiar voice. “Ah! Poor girl, no escort. And so very tired. What is a slayer to do? Ha Ha.”


“Who’s there?” a frightened Sarah asked. “Whoever you are, you aren’t allowed back here.”


A white cloud of smoke shot out from the darkness near the trailer. The person then said, “Oh, please Sarah. I know you know who I am, we only worked together for nearly seven years. You have to know my accented voice by now pet.”


“James?” Sarah asked. “Is that you?”


“Ha! James. Good one love. You can call me that if you want to, I really don’t mind it. But I do prefer my real name. And what you always call me ” the man quickly entered where there was light, right in front of Sarah and continued. “Spike. That’s my real name love.”


Sarah began laughing when she heard him say that. She finally collected herself after wiping away some tears of laughter and said, “James. You scared me! But that was pretty funny. But, how in the heck did you get back here. There’s strict security.”


“I tried to do the polite thing love,” he began. “But the bloke wouldn’t let me back here. I even told him that I was on the show with you. But he didn’t bloody say a word, so I bit him. And I do have to say, for a big strong man like him, he wined like a little schoolgirl after being ridiculed by the other schoolgirls. It was bloody tacky, if I do say so.”


Sarah stood there in shock, but broke down laughing again. “You’re good James! Still talking in the accent is great. It’s good that we can laugh about the show like this. Well, since I’m the only one laughing, it’s good I can laugh at it. What’s wrong with you? How come you aren’t laughing?”


“Because Sarah,” he responded. “It’s not a joke pet. But, there’s no sense in trying to explain it to you, because it wouldn’t make a difference to the star.”


“James, I don’t get what the heck you’re talking about,” Sarah began. “Are you bitter about the show ending, because you told me when we filmed the last episode that you were alright with it? I don’t get this…”


“You’re amazing Sarah,” he continued. you just don’t get this whole thing darling. But it will all be over soon, so it doesn’t matter.”


He got extremely close to Sarah and grabbed her by the arms tightly. “What are you doing James, “You’re hurting me. Let go.”


“Damn it Slayer,” he angrily blurted. “Spike! Not James. Spike’s my real name. Remember it when you get to hell. You might get special treatment down there, because I’m pretty popular down there.”


Sarah tried to push Spike off of her, but he didn’t relinquish his hold. He the turned his neck to the side and flared out his teeth. When Sarah saw them she screamed out, “What the hell. It can’t be. Those can’t be real. HELP!”


Spike was right up to her throat when someone from the darkness yelled out, “Take your hands off her Spike.”


Spike recognized the voice right away and began laughing. “I should’ve known you’d be here.”


“In case your hard of hearing Spike,” the voice started. “I said take your hands off of her, now!”


Spike nodded and did what the voice asked. Then said, “She doesn’t understand it all. So I thought I’d end it here and now, so she doesn’t have to go through it all again.”


“That’s not your decision to make Spike,” the voice from the darkness replied. “If you try this again, I’ll have no problem ending you.”


“I hate to say it buddy,” Spike began. “But, you can’t kill me, I’m under contract with the WB.”


Sarah was so confused by all of this, she was speechless, so she just listened and watched Spike release her, walk away saying, “I’ll find some way to get her, and without you watching her back.”


Then from the darkness the man appeared and Sarah was stunned. “David! I…I…”


He smiled, grabbed her hands, and said, “Sarah, I have to tell you something. And I know you won’t believe me, but you need to be ready for it all.”


“Tell me what,” Sarah angrily began. “What the hell is going on. Why was James acting like that? He’s gone crazy, that’s my explanation.”


“Sarah,” David began. “The show, the characters on the show, everything about it is real. This, movies, names, are the front. My real name is Angel. I’m a vampire with a soul, and you, you are the slayer.”


“You too huh, a perplexed Sarah said. “I’m going to get security. I’m not quite sure what drugs the two of you were doing, but your high on something.”


“Sarah,” Angel began. “Like I said, this whole idea will be tough for you to deal with, but there’s no doubt it’s real. Why do you think Joss wrote about it. Do you think it was just by coincidence that everything was so real and written so well. C’mon, you had to question his brilliance just a little.”


Sarah walked to the door of her trailer shaking her head. Angel told her while her back was to him, “Don’t worry Buffy, you’ll realize it very soon. And I’ll be there when you do.”


Sarah quickly turned to respond but he was gone. She then entered her trailer and said fell asleep.


Back outside of her trailer, Angel stood smiling, and said too himself, “We’ll be together soon, Buffy!”


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