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My Best friend

Hi this page is just for lisa. well every one may read it but this page is filled with many inside jokes(so beware). I first meet lisa about 8 years ago and we clicked. The way we meet is quite strange, my dad works at a marina wher her moms ex-boyfriend has a boat. Needless to say we atarted hangong out there about two weekend a month. we got to know each other and we are still the Closest of friend. We have gone threw lots of shit together boys, our moms asshole of a boyfriend, thick and thin. Anyways know that we are both 16 and almost ready to get the hella out our moms house we seem to be keeping n touch more. i know that collage will bring some seperation but well alsways stay close. so now lisa just dont forget that your kids are ont the beach. oh and we still need to repay George Bush for hie hurhurhur, and dont forget ( the flowwing may sound very odd)that specail asshole for his "CACK". HEHE the person that i would really like to thank for our great friendship is Vicky lisa's mom for dadting that asshole who has a boat at my dads marina and most of al you lisa for lways putting up with my shit and alway listening to what i have too say when i've had a bad day. Sometimes all i have to say is hello and you know have my day ar week has been. i cant wait till Great America in to weeks. We will have a blast I'm sure! Lots of love sweety hope you liked all of my little storie of our life.