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Welcome and thanks for downloading Fusion News 3.6.1
w h a t ' s :: n e w ?
n e w s";}else{ echo "n e w s";}?>
- Enhanced upload feature.
- RSS support (simplified XML).
- Option to use sessions or cookies to login.
- Enhanced headlines:
    - Choose if the link goes directly to fullstory or not.
    - There can be more headlines then newsitems shown, in this case the headline link is automaticly directed to the fullstory.
- Show shortnews in fulstory template.
- {fullstory} tag in comments template now shows the fullstory news instead of the link.
- {news} has been split into {shortnews} and {fullnews} in news and archive template.
- Post per day {date} is now formatted as "Thursday, April 24 2003". (You can translate the months in your language.db file)
- Some user statistics added on welcome screen (just to show some more plugin power :) )
- Enhanced installer script.
- When editing news you can now edit your icon too.
- Also you can now edit the date/time :)
- FULL php/ssi support in headers/footers and templates.
- Added an extensive readme file to the zipfile.
- Support added for most FREE hosting sites.
- Change your own profile.
- Fixed most addressed bugs.
f e a t u r e s
f u s i o n : n e w s";}else{ echo "f u s i o n : n e w s";}?>
- Very fast flatfile database (NO MySQL needed)
- Post news with optional use of smillies and bbcode.
- A news post consists of: Name, email, subject, shortnews, fullnews.
- An extensive comment feature which can be optionally used.
- Total smillie control in the control panel.
- Unlimited users can be added with a choice of 3 userlevels.
- Send to friend option.
- Anti flood option for comments.
- Comments are protected from people who want to impersonate you.
- Wordwrap feature for news aswell for comments.
- Impressive online control panel.
- Multiple languages supported.
- All features are template enabled.
H o w :: t o :: i n s t a l l

Make a backup of  your previous Fusion News installation, if any.

The installation has yet again been improved by using an improved installer script. All you have to do is upload all files that are in the subfolder "upload" of this zip package, to a folder (eg. "news") on your server. Then CHMOD this "news" folder to 777. Now run the installer script (installer.php) from that location and install Fusion News.

The installer will guide you through CHMODding and configuring the script.

NOTE: Don't forget to delete the installer.php and db_convertor.php(if your not going to use it) files from your fusion news folder after installation. Otherwise anyone could reinstall Fusion News and gain access to it.

H o w :: t o :: g e t :: n e w s :: o n :: y o u r :: s i t e

You have two options. You can use the PHP or SSI include code.

PHP include code:

Insert this code where you want the news to appear.
it can be in your index or main....etc

<?php include "news/news.php";?>

Change news if needed

Now, make sure that the file where you inserted the
include code has a .php extension

Example: If you inserted the code in your index.html you need to rename it to index.php


SSI include code:

You can also use the SSI include code to make the news
Show up on your website.

Insert this code where you want the news to appear.

<!--#include virtual="news/news.php" -->

as with the PHP include code. You need to rename the file where you insert the include code to .shtml

Example: if you inserted the code in your index.html file, you need to rename your index.html file to index.shtml


The same goes for headlines.php.

To show your archive, just link to "". The archive uses your Fusion News header and footer.

Offcours you can use <iframe> or javascript too

U p g r a d e :: f r o m :: 3.51
1. The first thing you need to do is, Install fusion news 3.6.1
Follow the intructions above.
2. The next step download the news.db and comments.db.php files from your fusion news 3.51 folder.
3. Now upload those files to the folder where you have the 3.6 files.
4. The final step is to run the db_convertor.php file that was included witht the 3.6.1 files.


Once you run the converter, it will convert your news and comments,
and after it is done, you can go back to the index.php

NOTE: Don't forget to delete news.db, comments.db.php and db_convertor.php from your fusion news folder or else anyone could run the convertor at any time.
U p g r a d e :: f r o m :: 3.6.0
1. Backup your Fusion News 3.6 folder.
2. Then Install fusion news 3.6.1.
Follow the intructions above.
3. Put smillies.db, users.php and your full news subfolder in the new
3.6.1 folder, overwriting the default files.
s u p p o r t

For your convinience we over many ways of support for our scripts. May we ask to use the email feature as a last resort or for some special request. Most of the questions you'll have have probably been put in the FAQ or manual or asked in the support forum which means you'll have an instant answer to your questions. E-mail can take longer :).

Some links: