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Welcome Home

Okay yeah, it's a miracle, stop the presses, I finally decided to make myself a webpage. So it's not gonna be much at first here (plus, I'm freaking lazy) but hey I'll give it a shot.
I'm finishing up my first year at Cornell University in good ol' Ithaca and hell yeah, GO BIG RED! Gotta love it here even if the weather is evil. Except CS 100, that is the worst class on the face of the planet.
So yeah, check back, random things are bound to happen, and remember, you are 100 times more likely to regret not doing something than you are to regret doing something.


NEW STUFF!! I have updated my site with a bunch of rambling reminiscing about my first year of college so check it out, it'll kill some time! Sorry I don't have any nude pictures Ben, I'll try to get some for you. Rock on!!

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Top ten reasons you wish you went to Cornell

Check out my fave bands
Some cool lyrics and quotes
My first year at Cornell