
The Latest Stories
From My Life

Ok, so I've moved all the stories into the archive and am going to start fresh on the recent ones. Check out the archives because I've redone the format :-). Anyway, check back here soon too. You never know when the next funny story will come up. Bye for now!

Feb. 2nd, 2004: So this weekend was interesting...O:-). Ok Mike came over for a second date and we made out. He decided to spend the night and we messed around for most of it. Then he left in the morning and around 11 Will came up. I had invited him strickly because I need ass badly but I got that from Mike. So I still did stuff with Will but not a lot, not too attractive. Then he left around 2:00 and that night Dom came up and brought his friend Travis, who is cute. We cuddled a little before the concert and then danced a LOT at the concert. If they had spent the night I would have hooked up with him too. Man oh man what a good day...

Jan. 19th, 2004: Up at Donna's so I'm not bored out of my mind sitting at school. Great fun up here, :-) sleeping in late and just in general having a good time relaxing and getting home cooked meals. Thinking that I really need to get on the pictures. I have a bunch of good ones but damn am I a lazy bum. Hehe anyway, been talking to his guy named Mike Blue for a while. Talk to him pretty much everynight. He's cool, I think I'm going to meet him the first week we are back. Oh and Bekah helped me figure this out: Dating means that you can date several people at once while going out means you are exclusive. O:-) Guess I'm dating ;-). Ok laters for now, have to go shopping!

Jan. 16th, 2004: Haha, yeah updates. Wish I could remember that it means I have to actually type thing in here. So if anyone remembers me saying I was going to Honduras would be rather puzzled as to why I'm writting in this because that's where I should be right now. Yes, I'm at school, two weeks early and no one else is. Its fucking freezing in my room. No heat yet. So I sleep fully clothed, sweatshirt, two pants, the works and five blankets. Then I'm sort of warm. Have to go talk to Jeff about that again, it get my heat on. Its not all bad, I get to sleep in till noon or later and then get up take a shower, then rummage for food. Hehe, I'm listening to oldies...man they always make me feel so good. Oh and to entertain myself while I'm all alone I put myself up on American Singles...hehe. What fun! I've talked to a bunch of people off of it. I've also gone on two dates. First was Jeff, though his picture was really hot but not so much. Not bad but too shy and too conservative for me. Second was Darrel. Great guy but just something didn't scream date me. Had an awesome evening with him. Said I don't want a boyfriend, which it true. It is true that just when you aren't looking for something it falles in your lap. So just sitting here waiting for aguy to fall in my lap. :-D