
A Brief History of SlickLOH
According to Me

To start off I was born.... well lets just say awhile ago since this is suppose to be brief, right? So My childhood thus far has been the average life: a complete sitcom. My first couple years of life were interesting. I had a new au pair every year from Sweden until I was about 4 years of age. I knew Swedish back then but can't remember a lick of it now, too bad. The neighbor girl babysat my brother and me when my parents were busy and our au pair had the day off. Then my cousin came for a year and lived with us while he went to college. It was so cool, he would skateboard my brother and me to school! Oh and in preschool I didn't talk for the first 2 months, I barked. Yeah I was weird. But I was obsessed with animals and I still am. I never had any dolls, just stuffed animals. I love stuffed animals... : )

The next couple of years were the beginning of elementary school. Not much to tell about those formable years, except that after first grade my family up and moved to the other side of town. We lived with my Dad's parents, my grandparents, for 2 years while we built our current home. During our stint with my grandparent, I ruled my new school with an iron fist. I was totally oblivious that everybody followed my every whim. Oh well! Yeah I definitely came up with different 'clubs' that my friends and I played. And of course then everybody else wanted to play, even the people who hated me, like one of my later high school friends (she defined me as a 'b*itch' back then). There was the zoo club, the squirrel club, and the bird club, but those are the only ones I remember. I'm sure there were more. After about 4th grade, by this time we have moved into our house, I really got tired of having everybody follow me around so I got a few new friends. I still did stuff with my other friends but less now that I did things with my other friends. I really got into soccer and was quite good. I read about a book a night too. I was a soccer-kicking bookworm. In other words a complete nerd. 5th grade came and went and middle school was upon me.

6th grade was a total renewal. I meet a bunch of new kids, became really good friends with them and really never saw my old friends again. Not that I didn't like them anymore, it's just that I didn't want to be in the popular group and that's what they became. Well after a great 6th grade year, in 7th grade I added a dozen or so more people to my friends group and lost 2 or 3 friends from 6th grade. But 7th grade was great. I started horseback riding seriously that year and I'm still going hard. But one of the funniest things from 7th grade was the class jerk, Nick, and his girlfriend had lockers on either side of mine. So that led to them making out in front of mine with a huge group of his friends surrounding them, cheering (how disgusting!). Well I got fed up and finally ended it by shoving through the group, hit Nick's head into my locker, and telling them to f**king make out else where. That seemed to do the trick and they never did that again. My final year in middle school was awesome. Most of my friends and I had block class together with the Taskmaster. We had a blast writing the SAPPIEST revolutionary and civil war stories of all time. We actually had all of our stories intertwined with each other. Wow, if I still had that story I would so put it up on a page for everybody to read. I was also in the special art class, which allowed me to do a personal mural in my schools hall. It is still there and ugly as ever. My teacher wouldn't let me do a horse.... errrr, but the next year she let another girl do two horses...errrrggggg! Anyway, in 8th grade I was on the Promotion Committee (Yea! Amber was too!). We did all the fundraisers during the year and I'm happy to say my block class beat yours Joel!!! HA HA HA! But yeah anyway, no bitter competitions really. We organized promotion night and the promotion party. I think they turned out great. We got to miss class all the time because we had to 'work' on something for promotion. But this one time, the other 3 girls on the Promotion Committee had picked out the music and Amber and I spent a whole day choreographing it to the music. Well apparently the 'Girls' had already picked out the order and the songs and at the end of the day bitched Amber and I out about spending our entire day messing up their precious work. Amber and My response was to shut off the machine and leave it all to them. They had just planned to run through a song and skip till the next forgetting about the dead air time between songs which Amber and I managed to cover by having every other CD in opposite machines and fade into the next song. They also wanted to play Hanson, which at that time everybody was sick of and Amber and I had cut it out because we knew everybody hated it. Well when the night of the slide show came, all the teachers and all of the 8th grade class poured in. There are 3 control units for the music and lighting and Amber and I switched controls to the back stage, where we were, from the skybox, where they were. When it was time to start Amber and I were resting easy under the skybox. The music started up and then the slides but the lights remained on and by the time one of the girls can frantically stumbling out of the sky box to ask Amber and me for help the whole crowd was mumbling about the lights. I went up and while leaning over the machine secretly pushed the Sky Box button to give it power, turned down the lights and repushed the Cage button so they again had no power. They stopped the music and slide show and started over. The crowd half laughed and booed, Amber and I were livin' it up. Well the story gets better; see if you remember they were to play Hanson because according to them it was still popular. Well when it came on EVERYBODY started booing. I laughed up a storm. Hehehe! But it doesn't end yet! Lets recap, they don't have power still...so when the slides end and the music stops they can't turn up the lights. Amber and I had left and gone back stage to the Cage and were watching from there. Well after some good laughs as the girls tried desperately to get the lights up so everybody could leave. Finally we gave power back to the skybox from the cage. I'm sure they couldn't figure out what they had done to make it work finally! HE HE HE! Amber and I had the best night that night. So enough with middle school...lets get to the good stuff: High School.

High School was the best time of my life so far. I let loose and ended up being fondly called Princess B*tch by my good friends. We had so much fun and did everything together. We watched movies, hung out at everybody’s houses, and had some of the weirdest conversations to date in the history of the world. Okay lets start with freshman year...I played soccer, ran track and also did horseback riding. One of my friends, Nicole, sometimes has this habit of fainting for no reason, go figure. Well in the mitts of that we had this running joke that she and Ryan were an 'item', which was so far from the truth. But that story gets better during sophomore year, which I can't start now. So freshman year, lets see...what happened then? Hmmmm....I'm gunna need to call in the reenforcements on this year.

Ok so Sophomore year. First off I'll finish the story about Nicole and Ryan. Well one time when Nicole fainted during band class and was taken to the nurse, the nurse called her parents and told them she was PREGNANT! Hehe! So the story of Nicole and Ryan turned into a pretty funny running joke about he was the father of her non-exisitant baby. We even got her a congradulations on the baby card and all signed it. But the best part of the story is when we were joking about someone should say "Ha! You're pig fiance is too late!" to Ryan if he ever walked by. Well we weren't serious but of all people, Lizzy, pointed at Ryan as he walked by and pretty much yelled the quote at him! He looked so confused! It was the best day of sophomore year.

So Junior year was probably my most stressfull year since I was taking 7 classes and had to be at school at 7:15 instead in 8:15...ugh! And I was also taking the most difficult classes on this planet! English with Mrs. Wood ( the devil herself), Physics with (fill the blank later..I should really know this she wrote one of my recomendation letters for college!), Pre-Calc with BEIMA!!! (what more do I have to say it was BEIMA!!!!!), Poly Sci and Econ with Sato (such a cool class! Great stories too...), Advanced Art with Mrs. Parker(Such a cool person), and Advanced Ceramics with Mrs. Thessian (Man I wish I could take ceramics with her again!). Ok so art and ceramics weren't the hardest classes ever but I did have to take them with my brother...hehe and some people still don't get that we are brother and sister! Stupid people!