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This is my homepage. I mainly just have Neopets stuff now, but I'll have other stuff later. Thanks for coming here by the way. I'm kinda bored, aren't you? Well, then lets all sing a song, everybody now! Oh it's the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends! People started singing ti not knowing what it was, now it goes on, forever just because.......... it's the song that never ends, it goes on and on my firends, people started sing it not know what it was now it goes on, forevr just because it's the song that never ends, It goes on and on my friends, people started singing it not know what it was, now it goes on, forever just because its the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends, people started singing it not know what it was, now it goes on, forever just because........... There, now you fell better, don't you? You do? Then lets sing it again! It's ok, I was just kidding. So look around, have fun, and learn about me! Also, have fun! Didi I sya that already? Oh, I guess I did, didn't I? Oh well, I'll try not to say it again. Godbye, have fun! oops, i said it.
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chica2342s got their Neopet at
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