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Contact Me


Hi, I'm Emily. That's me on the left. =]

Welcome to the place I put whatever I feel like putting. It's my own little oubliette. The merriam-webster dictionary says that an oubliette is a dungeon with an opening only at the top, but I prefer Hoggles description better. "It's a place they put people they want to forget about." Lately, that suits me just fine. If they've forgotten about me, at least they won't actively be a pain in the @$$. At least, not purposefully and directly. =] It's when you stick your head out of the oubliette that they tend to smack it.

Anyways, I don't know if you'll find anything here that you find particularly interesting. If you do, fine, if not, fine too. Just don't email me saying my site is boring, because simply put, it's not here for you to look at anyways. So come, see what I've been up to, comment politely, whatever, just don't expect to be entertained. I'm not being paid to show you a good time. If you want me to do that, it'll cost you WAY more than free. =]