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About this layout:
This layout features a CG art by a really talented artist. This layout is a div layer/iframes layout. It is made up of one index frame, a update frame, and other sectional frames. The picture was soo adorable that I decided to use it in this layout. You can use it for basically whatever you like!

The navigation is on the bottom, you can change in the index.html. I already indicated where they are. You can change the links to your own of course.

You MUST NOT EVER remove the link on this layout, I made it, you know it and I'm only giving it to you for free because it's linkware, I have to have credit, you can't say this is your layout, you didn't make it! So to keep everyone happy, leave the watermark! And if this layout inspires you to make another one, please credit me on your credit page or something.

The content of this site is copyrighted to you so you can put your own name on the bottom right-hand side, where it says the site is copyright to you. Just wanna point that out because you might miss it.

I found this picture at: Doors of Arcadia

The brushes use here were found at Angelic-Trust and vBrush

Extras I made for you! =P
They are transparent too!

If you need any help about this layout or if you have trouble using it, you can come to my site and ask through the email forms or guestbook.

Layout © Baby Angel
Image © Doors of Arcadia