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The Gridiron Dynasty Fantasy Football League was established in 2004 with 12 original members.

New stuff in BLUE and Green and now RED.

I. Team Rosters
Each active GDFFL team can carry from 18-20 players during the regular season. The only time
a team can go over this 20 active limit is during the off-season. There is an additional 3 spots for
every team to hold rookies and injured reserve players.
          i. Minimum roster requirements
             Team rosters must have no less than 1 QB, 2 RBs, 3 WRs, 1 TE, 1 K and 1 D/ST at all
              times during the season and the off-season. All teams must have at least 18 players on their
              active roster at all times. This must be met after the initial player auction and rookie
Injured Reserve (IR) and Rookie Holds (RH)
             a. At any point in the season a team can have any combination of 3 players on this list. Any
             player on this list is to stay there for the entire season. Rookies will be placed on this list
             after the rookie draft and can stay there for one (1) season without being paid. Players on IR do
             not count against the team active number but do count against the salary cap. These
             players must be activated before the week 17 transaction period (see league schedule).
             CLARIFICATION: You can have 3 rookie holds in this group and no IR spots.  If somebody
             gets hurt you can release a rookie into the general free agent pool and put that hurt player
             on IR.

          iii. Salary Cap
             The salary cap will be set at $75,000,000 (75 million). Player salaries can be increments of
             $500,000. A players initial salary is set by how much they are bidded on in the initial league
             auction. Only players that are on the active roster or injured reserve count against the salary
             cap. If a player is released 50% of his salary must be payed. See contracts

HINT: You are going to want to keep your starting salary cap a few million under the $75mil
As you continue to read the constitution you are going to need to make roster moves and
need some room to do it!

II. Scoring System (added)

     Offensive Players:
Touch Downs:
   Passing: 6 points
   Rushing: 6 points
   Receiving: 6 points

Two Point Conversions:
   Passing: 1 point
   Rushing: 2 points
   Receiving: 2 points

Negative Scoring:
   Interception: -1
   Fumble: -1

   RB, WR & TE: Passing+Rushing+Receiving: 1 yard = .10 point
   QB: Passing+Rushing+Receiving: 1 yard = .04 points

   Each WR/TE reception = 1 point.
Each RB reception = .5 point.

Field Goals:
   Field Goal: 3 points
   50+ yard FG: 4 points
   PAT's: 1 point

     Defensive/ST Scoring:
   Punt Return TD: 6 points
   Kick Return TD: 6 points
   Interception Return TD: 6 points
   Fumble Return TD: 6 points
   Interception: 1 point
   Fumble Recovery: 1 point
   Shutout: 6 points
   1-6 pts allowed: 5 points
   7-9 pts allowed: 4 points
   10 pts allowed: 3 points
   14-20 pts allowed: 2 points
   21-27 pts allowed: 1 point
   28+ pts allowed: 0 points
   0-50 yards allowed: 6 points
   51-100 yards allowed: 5 points
   101-150 yards allowed: 4 points
   151-200 yards allowed: 3 points
   201-250 yards allowed: 2 points
   251-300 yards allowed: 1 points
   301+ yards allowed: 0 points

III. Player Contracts
Each player in the league that is owned has a contract with the team he is playing for. The
    entire contract total for each team must stay under the $75 million salary cap.
          i. Contract Cap
           To prevent teams from keeping a player for too long and making free agency something worth
           having there is a contract cap of 40 years. This means all players under contract,
           excluding rookie holds, must be under this contract cap at all times!
          ii. Assigning Initial Contracts
            The initial player contracts are to be negotiated by each owner. After each owner has his
            players after the auction he must sit down and "negotiate" a length of a contract at the price
            he payed for the player in the initial auction. There is no maximum number of years for any
            player but the owner must stay under that contract cap!
          iii. Basic Contract Structure
            A player can be signed for how ever many years the owner sees best suits his organization.
            The owner signs a player of the number of years x auction price.  So a 5-year deal if the winning
            bid was $5,000,000 is a 5-year/$25,000,000 contract!

              Example: The Soggy Bottom Boys sign Daunte Culpepper for $5 million in the auction. He wants to sign
                                   him for 4 years. Here is the contract for Culpepper:
                                    Year 1: $5,000,000
                                    Year 2: $5,000,000
                                    Year 3: $5,000,000
                                    Year 4: $5,000,000     Total: 4 years, $20 million

           iv. Contract Extensions
              Any players contract can be extended at any time. A players contract can only be extended once
              during the contract period. The owner will pay a 50% increase on the players current salary for how
              ever many years he wants to re-sign him for.  The most you can re-sign a player for is TWO (2) years.

Example: Continuing the SBB Duante Culpepper example...say he wants to resign Daunte for 2 more
                                      years while in the 2nd year of the original contract. His contract would look like this:
                                        Year 1: $5,000,000 (paid)
                                        Year 2: $5,000,000 <- current year
                                        Year 3: $5,000,000
                                        Year 4: $5,000,000
                                        ----EXTENDED TWO YEARS----
                                        Year 5: $7,500,000  <- Salary goes up 50% to 7.5 million for the two years extended
                                        Year 6: $7,500,000 
                               NOTE: This must stay under the contract cap!

           v. Option Year Extensions
             Amendment (1.01): We have decided to get rid of the option year extensions because
             we are going to take advantage of the transition and franchise player tags.  This means
             once a player runs out of his contract the owner must just go after him in free agency.

vi. Releasing a player under contract
                If an owner decides to release a player under contract at anytime during it, he has the
                choice of two options:
                               1. Take on 50% of the players contract at once as a lump sum.
                               2. Take on the 50% over the remaining years of the contract.
                *If that owner decides to release a player after year one of a multi-year (2 or more) contract
                he would only be responsible for 25% for either option.  The cut off is March 1st.

Example:  Daunte Culpepper just plain sucks by his 3rd year and the boys want to drop him.  Since
                                            he is under contract for two more years he must pay 50% of what is owed, so $5,000,000.
                                            ($5,000,000 x 2 = $10,000,000 x .50 = $5,000,000).  The owner now has the choice of
                                            paying it all that season (if he has the room under the cap) or paying $2,500,000 each of
                                            of the two seasons.
                           Example 2: An owner feels Charlie Garner is worth a 3-year contract at $4,000,000 and after year one
                                              Charlie is so bad the Bucs release him and he retires.  That owner can release that player
                                              for 25% of his salary for the remaining two-years.  This only applies if they release him in
                                              the FIRST YEAR of the contract.  So, 2 years at 4,000,000 is 8,000,000, 25% of $8mil is $2
                                              mil which can be paid that year or 1 million a year.

             vi. Franchise Player Tags
                After year one, any team can name any player that is in his option year "franchise player".
                This player would then be given a 1-year deal worth the average of the top 5 paid players
                at his position.

             vii. Transition Player Tags
                 Amendment (added): Each team gets TWO (2) transition player tags to put on an up-coming
                 free agent.  All of players test free agency and a winning bidder is found on all of them.  After the
                 winning bid is submitted the team that placed the tag on him as the option of matching the offer
                 and retaining that player for up to three years.  Again, he must stay under the salary and contract
                 cap when matching.  If a player goes through free agency without one bid placed on him the owner can
                 re-sign him at his original salary for up to three years.

III. Initial Player Auction
The initial player auction is the first major step towards establishing your franchise in the GDFL.
    This auction will be done in an extended format on our message board and will start on July 26,
and run through August 30, 2004.

    On the 5th, 25 players (5 QB, 6 RB, 8 WR, 2 TE, 2 K, 2 D/ST) will be put out on the market.
    Every 3 days, 15 more players will be submitted for bidding. A player stays out on the market
    until the thread is idle for 24 hours. At that point the highest bidder wins the player! The final 15
    players will be submitted on August 25th and the auction will end on August 30th.  These players
    will be picked at random using a fantasy football magazine.  The better players will be going first
    but not necessarily the very best at every position.

    Every owners squad must stay under the $75 million salary cap during this process and they
    can bid on however many players they want to (under the cap obviously).

IV. Rookie Draft
The initial rookie draft will begin September 1, 2004. There will be 4 rounds with a round a day
    on the message board. These players are now added in with the players that were won in the
    auction and must be decided which ones make the final 18-20 player squad. A team has the
    right for forfiet a pick and will therefore lose the remaining picks for the draft (meaning the owner
    doesn't feel there are any impact rookies out there that he wants to hold). There is a random
    draft order and it will be serpentine (meaning 1st pick gets #1 overall and last pick in second
    round and so on).

         i. Rookie Salaries
           Rookies are given set salaries depending on which round they are drafted in:
              Round 1: $2,000,000
              Round 2: $1,500,000
              Round 3: $1,000,000
              Round 4: $500,000
       The owner must now decide how long he wants to sign a rookie and the other contract rules
       apply. If an owner decided to use one of his 2 spots for rookie holds it means the player
       can be held for the entire season or activated if a player gets hurt. If the player is activated
       during the first season that player gets a 1-year contract at the minimum $500,000. If the player
       remains on the RH team for the whole year the owner then has the option of signing him
       that next year for however many years starting at the price corresponding to which
       round that player was drafted in (see above). A player on RH can only stay there for one year and
       if the owner doesn't activate him for his second year he becomes a free agent.

         ii. Subsequent Rookie Drafts
            After the initial rookie draft, we will hold a rookie draft at a date to be determined (earlier
            than the first one). This draft order is determined by the team with the worst record to the
            champion. This draft order is constant like the real NFL draft.

         iii. Trading Draft Picks
             Trading draft picks for the draft is legal but you can only trade picks for the upcoming draft.
             No trading for picks 3 years from now.

V. Free Agency
The Free Agent period begins after the rookie draft. Any players that were not signed by the
    March 1 deadline is free to be picked up. This period runs from June and into August.
    Each can have up to 23 players on their roster and may not make cuts during this period.
    Each team must also stay under both caps during this period.

        i. Franchise Players
          "After year one, any team can name any player that is in his option year "franchise player".
          This player would then be given a 1-year deal worth the average of the top 5 paid players
          at his position." This designation is due by the March 1, option year deadline. The
          qualifying offer can not be lower than his original salary.

        ii. Overbidding
           If owners "overbid" on players in terms of going over the salary cap, the punishment is two fold:
                 1.  The player goes to the next highest bidder that can stay under the cap.
                 2.  That team loses $1 million on their salary cap for the next season.


I. Regular Season
The 12 teams will be divided randomly into 4 divisions of 3 teams (Gold, Red, Blue and
   Silver divisions).  Every team in the league will play the other team in their division twice
   and all other teams in the league once. Teams will play head-to-head round robin style for the first 13 weeks.

      i. Weekly Lineups/Submission
        This is handled by the fanball commisioner we will be using. It must be set before the games for
        that week. More can be found on this at our league website.

        Each team will field:
                                      1 Quarterback
                                      2 Running Backs
                                      2 Wide Receivers
                                      1 Flex (RB, WR or TE)
                                      1 Tight End
                                      1 Kicker
                                      1 Defense/Special Teams
1 OVERTIME PLAYER (tie-breaker)

      ii. Transaction Period
          After each week the transaction period is from Tuesday morning at 12:00am through Friday
          night at 11:59 pm. This is the time any moves can be made. Drops, bids on free agents and
          so on. The week one transaction period is the time AFTER week one and so on for every week.

      iii. Weekly Transactions
          If an owner wants a player he must post a message in our league forum by TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY
          (After Wednesday at 11:59 no more offers can be made to free agents) of that week by 11:59 PM CT. 
          Other owners then have 24 hours to put in a higher bid for that particular
          player.  If no other owners bid, the original suitor gets the player.  If another team beats that offer in the
          allotted 24-hour period, the original team has the option of beating the highest bid on the next day.

   EXAMPLE:  Team #1 feels that Ricky Proehl would be a nice addition to his team after a week 3 injury
                                to one of his studs.  Team 1 offers him a one-year deal worth the minimum $500,000 on Tuesday before
                                11:59 PM CT deadline.  On Wednesday, another owner feels that Ricky would be worth $1,000,000 so he
                                posts that before the 24-hour period is up.  Then on Thursday Team #1 sees that he would have to pay
                                $1.5 million to get him and he just lets Team #2 have him for the 1 million.

             THROUGH WEDNESDAY at 11:59 PM CT.  That way all free agent aquisitions will be made by Friday of each week's transaction period.

       iv. Trades
          All trades must be reported by BOTH parties at either the message board or email to the
          commish. The trading deadline is the week 12 transaction period. Trading can be resumed
          on March 1.
Any attempt to dump players, stack teams or conduct trades otherwise viewed as one-sided,
           unethical or involving the exchange of money are strictly illegal and are subject to a league vote
           for possible removal from the league.
                    i. When a player is traded to a new team the new owner has the choice to re-sign him to
                       a longer term deal at any time, regardless of whether or not the previous owner did so.
                    ii.  The trade deadline is the start of week 11 (November 21, 2004).

        iv. Tie-breakers
           Tie-breakers for standings, playoff seeds and division winners are determined in the following
                      1. Head-to-Head
                      2. Division record
                      3. Total Points
                      4. Most points allowed
                      5. Head-to-Head points

              Tie-breakers for regular season games are determined by the highest scoring player in lineup.

II. Playoffs
The playoffs are single elimination from week 14 through week 16. Six teams make the playoffs
   with the top two division winners receiving byes for the first round of the playoffs. The other four
   teams are ranked 3 through 6. The 3rd seed plays the 6th seed and the 4th seed plays the 5th
   seed in round one. After that, the bracket continues until we have a champion!

   All teams will be involved in the playoffs to determine a 1 through 12 ranking at the conclusion of
   the season and will be used to set the rookie draft order.

        i. Transactions in playoffs
           Trades are not allowed in the playoffs. Teams can still pick up free agents but if you pick-up
           a player you must pay him for the whole season $500,000. Keep in mind, you are going to want
           to leave some room under your starting salary cap to make room to moves such as this over the


          I. Entry Fee
            The entry fee for the 2004 season is $50 paid into a paypal account and untouched (except for
            payment of a league manager) until the winners are to be paid. The entry fee is non-refundable.
            If you are voted out or quit at any point you will not receieve your money back. If the league folds
            you will receieve your money back for the current season except for the money paid for the
            league manager.  Please get this in asap!  Go to:
            for exact payment details (personal check, paypal or credit card through paypal).

MONEY IS DUE BY THE START OF THE AUCTION (July 26th)!! If your money is not paid without a
reasonable excuse you will be kicked out of the league and another owner will take over for you! 

         II. Transaction Fees
            There are currently no transaction fees on signing players or making trades.

         III. Money Allocation
            At the end of the season the following amounts will be paid to the owners:

            Total $ Pool: $525
            GDFL Champion (1st place): $275
            Runner-up (2nd place): $100
            3rd place: $75
            Most points (entire season): $75