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Andy Gilbert! A Legend in his own Wardrobe!

Updates (Nov 2007)....

Here's a song about me old Dad!

A Brief Exchange
© Andy Gilbert 2003

A song all about hearing him play his guitar after I had been put to bed as a young lad.

Chords and Lyrics to A Brief Exchange
© Andy Gilbert 2003

The above is a link to a Word document with the chords and lyrics to "A Brief Exchange" in my usual style. I suggest that you copy and paste the contents into a Word document as I had problems when printing directly from the web page.

Songs in the key of D

Don't Be Alone
© Andy Gilbert 2003

Don't Be Alone is my out and out "Pop song". The chorus is very hooky and grows very tiresome, very quickly. Therefore, it's perfect for teenagers!

Smiley and The Hedge
© Andy Gilbert 2003

This is the Smiley & The Hedge Anthem!


"Dang that rusty G string!"


The Smiley and The Hedge collective in Cheltenham October 2003 (Rav just out of shot, sorry!)


A man goes to visit a doctor and says, "Doctor, I've finally come to see you about my failing eyesight". Someone replies, "About time too mate, this is a fish and chip shop...."


BREAKING NEWS: Irish Air Disaster:

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have so far recovered 1826 bodies and expect that number to rise as digging continues into the night.

Frank Carson


News at Ten