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Top money making opportunites on the net!

I have seen it all, from companies that dont pay out the money to plans that promise you the cash but never did get it.

Trust me, i have got the scars to prove it. The list of opportunities here are genuine and real. I have tested them myself after spending countless hours on the net searching for REAL money

Here are the few top referral programs on the net today! (Rated accordingly to reliability and pay off)


1. IDOWNLINE.COM                                                                                                                              GREAT referral program, best of all the cash does end up in your pocket! Good payoff too!! A MUST FOR ALL SERIOUS INTERNET MARKETERS       




Another RARE GREAT program which actually DOES PAY!!!!  Plus you can upgrade to premium after you acummulate enough money. 


3.PUBLIFACIL.COM                                                                                            Get paid to read advertiser's email. This program does not pay off as much as the above but the company is international and well known. A good second program to take for some extra money!!                                                                                                                                    100 dollars just for signing up!!!