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okay then peoples of the world this is my site! looks a bit bare doesn't it? well i've gotta update it! well if you check the archives section where all the bits of my site will be archived! so bookmark it and tell your friends and relatives about it! and visit it every day because this site is going to be big! remember that site that that turkish bloke made? well he said "i kiss you!" still don't remember? well he's got the worlds most popular website yet! with about 8,000,000 visits! and i plan on beating this! in the mean time download KaZzA Media Desktop [but remember you have to have the copyright owners consent before downloading anything that is copywritten] from and search up [ocw] and you'll find every single homemade video that i have ripped and is sharing on KaZzA! Everything from my first sky dive to Bands Night at my old school! as these are very large in size you might want to get a fast broadband internet connection from telewest as they offer the fastest speeds of 2mb and if they do not offer the service in your area ntl offer a fast connection speed of 1mb, 600k and 150k! but with ntl it works out cheaper because you can get your telephone, tv and broadband in one direct debit payment! so keep on checking this site and press f5 every-time you visit so it refreshes the page! and tell everyone about this! well everyone with an internet connection in the uk! use that tell a friend form above! and i'll get this thing rolling as soon as humanly possible! so take care people and live long and prosper!

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