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Story of a Minda, and occasionally a Colby
Saturday, 5 March 2005
I need a nap. And a Lollipop. No, a popsicle.
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Singapore, get out yer cane. -minda
Topic: Colbs' entries
I totally feel like a shower--to take one. Hmm. I don't know what we're gonna do tonight. We'll prolly play some tunes and watch a lot of Star Wars, but at any rate I'll be a pumpkin by midnight, 'cause my noggin has me sleepy, and I'm gonna lay down back. Work takes like a thousand hours, and it's hot in here, and if they weren't so picky about being here when you're supposed to be here when there's not work anyway, I'd just go home, man.

escrito by minda or colby at 2:45 PM CST
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There can be....ONLY ONE!
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Carrie get out your cane - Joni Mitchell
Topic: Minda's entries
well i got on here because Jessie said she left a note about my dogs, but alas, 'tis nowhere to be found(SORRY HEATHER). I got on the phone with Hillary last night as she was baby shower shopping (for a girl, too, i think they're probably funner to shop for (woah)). Then all of the sudden we were cut off, and I was talking to her answering machine. it was fun while it lasted, hills.

Ty and Randi Kay are coming over tonight, Jessica too i think, NOT BEN because he wants to go home and have a bubble bath or something and talk to <3 girl. nothing against <3 girl or anything, i don't want to put my tagalongs in jeopardy (she's a girlscout and my supplier), but c'mon Ben, you need to get out. and not just to work. but i digress. "we'll be grilling tonight." (- Meat Wad) chicken i believe. and i was thinking i'd try to get some real spanish rice made, but i won't get home until 30 minutes before they get there, and i want to straighten up the house some. i might just cheat and use the instant stuff and put some onion and bell pepper in it, but Jessica is mexican and she'll know and will probably call me on it. oh well, she's gonna eat it, and she's gonna like it!

escrito by minda or colby at 2:21 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 5 March 2005 2:24 PM CST
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
doggy pictures up (FINALLY)
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: George George George of the Jungle (thanks, BEN)
Topic: Minda's entries
i think i'm finally getting sick. i've only been sick once this winter, and it was only a 24 hour bug, so i was beginning to think i was behind. maybe it's the vitamins colby's been pushing. so dizzy. something's wrong with my ear, my equilibrium is severely lacking.

the doggy pictures are finally up after much talk. so go see 'em, because they're cute.

i need a hug and nap.

escrito by minda or colby at 6:36 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 3 March 2005 8:34 PM CST
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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
and to think i was worried
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: street spirit - radiohead
Topic: Minda's entries
I thought it was back to working all day here at convergys, but apparently i was mistaken. i quit working today at 3:30 (got here at 2). There had better be doggy pictures up tonight, or else something has gone terribly wrong. HTML gives me fits sometimes.

I found out today that our friend Ben has a website, too. So feel free to go there and leave smart alek comments if you're bored, and by the looks of it, you are. ;)

It's March! 15 days till the Ides. I must apologize (again) for my lack of caution and warning concerning the Ides of March last year, I was at the zoos in Dallas and Fort Worth with my fiance. I really want to do that again this summer. Funny, I asked him just about an hour ago if we could go soon. We haven't been to any zoos since then, and it was oh so fun.
Dangit. no it wasn't last year that I missed. Or was it? Help I'm losing track of time! Am I old? I know I missed it in 2003 because of the zoo, but last year...this is all inconsequential I just realized. so never you mind.

We broke down and got health insurance today. I had no idea it was so expensive. but i guess it's worth it, especially if we're going to be pregnant. There's no way we could afford to pay for all of that ourselves. Also had to get more car insurance, too today. We walked, as my policy ended at 12:01 this morning, but it was only a couple of blocks to their office. The end of the month really snuck up on us there. I thought I had at least a couple more days till March. February is messed up. Still, we didn't have a lapse in coverage, so all's well.

escrito by minda or colby at 6:19 PM CST
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Monday, 28 February 2005
work?! what the #*$! do you think i come here for?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: BAD rap. the same 3 notes over and over and over and over....
Topic: Minda's entries
so now there's work. sometimes it's cool, but not today. no, today, there's a lot of work. i guess it's not that bad. at least not as bad as i'm making it sound. the rap is *really* irritating though. what's worse is it's some skinny white abercrombie and fitch guy. if it was anybody else i guess the result would still be massive inner torture. if only they'd change the little 3 note loop melody they've got. just once. c'mon. i'll put it this way-i'd rather be at a pride and prejudice marathon than be here. but how much more? depends on the popcorn/bathroom/screaming breaks allowed. improper relief.

those yeti sports colby was playing the other day are bitchin'. especially when you can only get to dot org sites, to which a lot of these computers are limited.

i tried to put doggie pictures up, but it won't upload from these computers i'm not sure what the problem is, but they'll be up real soon, so check back.

escrito by minda or colby at 6:07 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 28 February 2005 6:16 PM CST
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