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Story of a Minda, and occasionally a Colby
Thursday, 24 March 2005
some people can't turn on their phones
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: lady raiders basketball game
Topic: Minda's entries
weird day. i'm all wired, i've started running a little bit this week, that sucks so far, but it's exciting to see a little progress even thus far, and to anticipate being able to run a whooole miiile. wow. it's been a while-i'm so out of shape, yuck. amy's sad because nobody calls her when big important stuff happens, and probably because she got the same 1000 forwards that i got from our mom's school email. she's pretty upset with rachel though. i want my daddy. and i want to go home and get hugs, because i can't here because it's not "corporate", or "professional". bah. i'm not asking to make out. no more than a handshake. reminds me of meet the fockers. that movie was so funny. i actually liked it a lot better than meet the parents, and Barbara Streisand is a jewish wonder. i can't remember that other guy's name, her husband in the movie. i was thinking- i'd like to keep up with more movies, but i refuse to pay the money it takes to keep up with the new ones. those prices make me sick. i used to work for a movie theatre. i thought it would be SO cool, but honestly, it was THE worst job i have EVER had. it was the people of course, and being a cashier is always a hastle and a stress. 'do it right and do it right now...faster, FASTER! MOVE FILTHY MINIONS!' nope. plus they had the gall to pay minimum wage. d'you know what that is after taxes!? not enough, that's what it is. isn't. whatever.

colby got a workout bench at walstarmart for 30 bones. not bad, it's pretty nice. i'm so proud of him for putting stuff like that together, i could never do it. but sometimes i think i was stronger and more capable before i got married. i carried my own luggage, i took out the trash all the way out to the dark alley, i fixed stuff (not really...that's a lie, i couldn't fix a bent paperclip), i got lost in my car and found my way home by myself. i couldn't do all that now. he motivates me a lot, too. he pulls me out of bed a lot of mornings--which always has been a big struggle for me. i'd freak out if i had to do everything myself again.

well, I love you, amy, sorry i never email you.

escrito by minda or colby at 10:34 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 24 March 2005 10:35 PM CST
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