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Published articles and stories between 2003 and 2014:


April 2003           Railway Ghosts

April 2003           Watcher in the Street

December 2003    Everglades – Noosa River Cruises a tour of the river.

February 2003:     Deserted in a desert

February 2004:     Paradise Lost – Its origins and what it offers

August 2003:       Caroline McDiarmid

August 2003:       Captain Ducky in Eastern Perspective

September 2003: The Kathy Zolman Story from Eastern Perspective

January 2004:      The Wine Trail through the Gold Coast Hinterland

September 2004: Golden Memories

July 2003:            The London to Sydney Air Race 1969 – 1970

June 2003:           Rainbows and Buried Treasure (Coober Pedy)

March 2004:        The Hinterland (About Australia’s Gold Coast)

May 2003:           Hooves of Fire

May 2003:           Monsters Lurking in the Deep

November 2004: Pubs and Horses

October 2003:      Dinner with a Winemaker

October 2003:      Colourful Characters under Capricorn

October 2003:      Road Train in the Desert

May 2004:           Grapes and Granite

July  2004:           Thoroughbreds  at Play

August 2004        The Spirit of Imagination

October 2004:      The Salad Bowl

April 2005:          A World Apart

December 2004:   Playtime: For Big Boys and Girls

February 2004:     Chinese National Day

August 2005:       Hopp’n Round

July 2005:            On Assignment

October 2005:      It’s ShowTime

April 2006:          Learning the Vietnam Way

December 2005:   The Railway Cutting

February 2006:     The Cutting Edge

January 2005:      Vanilla Slice

March 2006:        Chain of Events

November 2005: The Australian Hunter

September 2003: A Larrikin Hero

July 2003:            The Best Laid Plans

July 2003:            Caught in the Act (A two-act comedy)

June 2003:           Harry Armitage – An unforgettable Friend

November 2003: It is our Birthday

October 2003:      Deadbeats to Dedication

October 2003:      The Wine Saloon

October 2003:      The Eulo Queen Hotel

January 2008:      Buried Treasure

December 2007:   The Sky is Falling

February 2007:     Have a Noosa Day

May 2007:           Cruising Brisbane

November 2007: Deadbeats to Dedication

June 2007:           A Holy Birthday

October 2006:      It’s Showtime-Again

April 2008:          The Gold Coast of Australia; A Message

February 2008:     Dragon’s Behaving Badly

August 2008:       A Cold and Rainy Day of Pure Pleasure

October 2008:      The Gold Coast Show

August 2009:       Shades of Moby Dick

December 2008:   The Vintage Pilot

December 2009:   A Brewers Tale

February 2008:     Another Raceday

February 2008:     The First Hour of Life

January 2009:      Raceday

June 2009:           Shen Yun Performing Arts

May 2009:           Around the Gold Coast (Show Scottish Visitors around)

November 2008: Do You See the Light?

October 2009:      One Horse or Hundreds

September 2009: Racetree

November 2008: The Newborn

April 2001:          The Formal

August 2010:       Contract on a Cop

February 2010:     Flames of the Past

February 2011:     Rocky Places between the Moors and the North Sea




















January 2010:      The Unhappy Crowd

July 2010:            A Repeat of History (Flames of the Past)

March 2010:        Flood Victims of Coomera

May 2010:           Stopover for Love

October 2010:      Racetree 2010

September 2010: The End of August

June 2010:           Horses are very Demanding

December 2011:   Asylum Seeking

February 1011:     Please Explain

October 2011:      Four Horsemen

April 2012:          The Australian Hunter

July 2010:            Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe

June 2010:           Give us your Displaced; Your Terrorists

May 2012:           Doomsday Revisited

April 2013:          Road Stupidity

December 2012: Unsafe at Any Speed

February 2013      Road Carnage

January 2013:      Are you Capable of Driving a Motor Car Correctly

March 2013:        Utilize Resources for Road Safety

December 2013: Deep Breaths at Christmas

February 2013:     Road Carnage: Is Australian Innovation sleeping

June 2013:           Road Safety and Driver Education

March 2013:        Utilize Resources for Road Safety

May 2013:           Welcome to the Future

April 2014:          Earth Air Fire and Water

August 2014:       World-War-111

January 2014:      Reading Writing Arithmetic

July 2014:            Fuelled by Greed

June 2014:           A Mental Aberration

March 2014:        That Infernal Horseless Carriage

September 2014: Learning to Drive a Ford Model T