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Text Box: John Gavin (left) with the late Stanley Victor John Hinton, who is reading a copy of Blood in the wine and Len Pennant. Stan is the subject of an article entitled Horse to horsepower that was written by John while Len is actually Blue, the character in the story Hero on Horseback and is a real life Hero – a holder of the Military Medal. The group are celebrating Stan Hinton’s 90th birthday.

John Gavin no longer has occasion to use firearms but still retains one or two (Picture Right)

However, he retains an interest in  fine machinery and a TVR Griffith (Left) falls into that category.

There are occasions when many of us like to “ham” it up a bit and St Patrick's Day can sometimes be one of those.

Some of John Gavin’s faces – and friends

Writer, adventurer, big game fisherman! On the Continental Shelf out from Bermagui, another Yellowfin Tuna is brought aboard.

Zane Grey popularized big game fishing for Bermagui but there  may be some contenders for his title today?

Then of  course, some interests never extinguish: Thank you Mark at Gold Coast Harley Davidson.


John Gavin

Favourite Authors

A Signature


Origins of a novel

Excerpts from

Blood in the wine

In real


