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We spent eleven fascinating days in Cuba, starting and ending in Havana - an incredible city, teeming with energy and life, despite the deprivations of its inhabitants. Below you can see a view from one of the places where we stayed. If you look carefully you can see that the balcony of the top right-hand flat has fallen clean off, a not at all uncommon sight in Havana

You find it hard to believe that people can continue to live in some places, such as these very much inhabited houses, one of which appears to be held up by wooden scaffolding...

Here's a scene from the main street in Havana, the Paseo del Prado. You can see the "camel" - the huge pink "bus", that is hauled along by a truck. Around 300-400 people fit on these things in conditions that I would definitely not describe as comfortable!

Getting away from Havana, the pace of life slows down quite a bit. The colonial style town of Trinidad was very pretty and very peaceful, especially in the afternoon after the package tourists had been bussed out

You don't see a lot of advertising in Cuba, but what you see are plenty of political posters, such as this very amusing billboard stratgically placed next to the US Interests Office in Havana which reads "Imperialists! We have absolutely no fear of you!"

...Or this striking image of Che Guevara on a Havana building

Of course, if revolutionary politics isn't your thing, you can always turn on the TV...

Next Stop - The Big Apple