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Peter Stauffer for President


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Every so often in times of political turmoil and seemingly impending social upheaval a leader arises from the fog of anonymity to wrest the reigns of freedom from tyranny. Now is one such time. And that leader is Peter Stauffer. While other candidates may shirk the truth to further their crooked political agendas, this candidate is no scoundrel. Peter Stauffer is a man of the people. He's not part of the big bureacratic government in Washington--in fact he's not really part of the government at all. He's just an average guy like me or you. He wants what you want, and he has the moxy to make things happen, shake things up a bit if you will. So remember this when you make your choice for president: would you rather have some heaving brute in office that would take the shirt off your back and the change from your pocket (and probably even kick your dog) so long as it assured him his political agenda or a lovable average joe like President Elect Stauffer?

Sponsored by the Committee to Elect Peter Stauffer for President