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  OWIND.COM 站点关闭(163停止服务),以及新站点的紧锣密鼓的制作、更新要求,咬唇决定把 OWIND.COM

  The simple page for welcoming you,it is rather impolite.But,we hope yours will remember this U.R.L,
  and wait until the autumn coming,WE can meet each other again here,all is best wishes!The speace
  of OWIND.COM is closed!( stop free serveies),and the new site is been making by the editors,
  so,we decide to shut down the web site of OWIND.COM.Another notice is we need the artists and the
  technician very much,if you desire,you can join us at once,anytime you are welcome!thanks for back.


copyright© 2002-2003 all rights reserved.
webmaster paveo.chan OICQ:11993147 ICQ:167355461
we need the artists and the technician of web site.
mail the suggestion and comment for us or join us