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City, north-central Morocco. It lies at the southwestern edge of the Rif Mountains. Ouezzane is situated on the northern slope of Mount Bouhelal,at an elevation of 1,066 feet (325 m). It was founded in 1727 as religious community on the site of a village named Dechra Jebel er-Rihan("Village of the Mount of Myrtles") by Moulay 'Abd Allah, a descendant of Idris II. It has served as a zawiyah (monastic complex) of the Taiba (a Sufi [mystical] brotherhood). Ouezzane is considered to be one of thesacred cities of the Maghrib, the region in North Africa comprising th Atlas Massif and the Mediterranean coastal plain of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and is hence a pilgrimage centre. In 1920 the city was occupiedby the French. Cereals and cattle are raised in the vicinity of Ouezzane, and the city also serves as a local market centre. Pop. (1982) 40,485. * 
Ouezzane is also holy to jews. Nearby Asjen (9 Km North East) holds the tomb of Rabbi Imran Ben Diwan who came to Morocco from Hebron to collect money for Israel and died in this mountain village in 1782. Every year numbers of jews pilgrims come to visit his tomb and celebrate Hilula. However the jewish community who mainly resided in Mellahs just like other towns in Morocco has left Ouezzane in the 50s and 60s to immigrate to Israel and elsewhere. At present time no jew lives in the city. Even Rabbi Imran Ben Diwan's tomb is guarded by muslim families. 
 City, north-central Morocco. It lies at the southwestern edge of the Rif Mountains. tomb is guarded by muslim families.





*Encyclopedia Britanica

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