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The Oraculum Welcomes You

Do not be afraid, oh unentlightend ones. This is the path of least resistance. This is the path which will lead you to a new dawn of mankind...or something...yeah whatevah.

There is a task and it must be done
There is a woman and she must become
There is an object; its planes are not simple
And there at the table, the wary-eyed one

Pale petals fall in a room full of ashes
Accompany music with terrible sounds
And as each one falls it makes love to the floor
Bloodstains come out of the ground

Pale heart, your words are as sharp as a knife
That stabs in the dark at intruders unknown
Your tongue can feel blood seeping out of your eyes
The knife sharpens itself and drives home

There is a place where the ashes are soil
The petals are roses, the full moon is round
There is a wave, and it carries you forward
Across stormy deserts to find solid ground