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The Larger THAN Life LIVING Joker 


This weeks Highlight of the Night    

Versus: ???- Stipulation: None - Event: Overdrive


August 27th 2003 Promo: 1

Most Recent Achievement

None As Of Yet

What makes you a Living Joker:   

wWc Achievements: None As Of Yet

"..God Has Become Helpless.."
- Joe King - August 27th, 2003

I'm the King of the world..: 

Last Thursday.. Smackdown is Jericho.. Live! from the World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado.. The world witnessed the debut of ' Chris Jericho's Hi Lite Reel ' ..We saw the return of Mr.Ass Billy Gunn to a WrestleMania Entertainment ring , where he was interviewed by the Larger Than Life Living Legend Chris Jericho.. But that interview was cut short.. As the Hurricane interrupted Chris's show which Y2J didn’t take to kindly too at all . Hurricane then accepted Billy Gunn’s challenge to an Intercontinental title match at SummerSlam as an irate Chris Jericho looked on.. Hurricane then added that Mr.Ass could have a shot at his championship but only if he could beat his new ‘ Hurri-side kick ‘ The Green mist next week on Smackdown . As Chris and Billy looked on in confusement Tajiri! Crept into the ring from behind and then proceeded to spit Green mist into the WrestleMania Entertainment Hall of famer’s eye’s and then made his escape up the ramp . The Hurricane laughed at the top of the ramp as Chris Jericho had a temper tantrum right there in the middle of the ring.. Chris Jericho's first ever edition of the hi lite reel , ruined.. you can bet you’re ass Chris will be looking for revenge.. Chris Jericho is going into the match this coming Thursday still uncertain to who he will be defending his Championship against at Summerslam.. But Y2J has to concentrate on this Thursday.. He wants revenge , but will he get it .


Smackdown this Thursday comes to us Live from the sold out Skyreach Centre, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.. It's going to be off the charts , but we all know seeing the human Hi-light Reel live and in person is worth the price of admission on it's own.. your King.. Why Too Jay Chris Jericho will go one on one with the man who ruined last weeks Hi - Lite reel , The Hurricane.. Intercontinental Champion versus the World Heavyweight Champion.. a match you wont wanna miss.. and there's only One place you can see it .. Live! On Smackdown .

-:'..And your just living in it Junior

Chris Jericho's Hi Lite Reel

| - |:."The Host" Chris Jericho.:| - | "Now Junior.. You got anything else to add? ha I got more important people who wanna be on the show ya know.."

| - |:."Mr. Ass " Billy Gunn.:| - | " whos more important than me, I mean Chris the only way you got to be my tag partner is that you kissed my coperate ass! and dont deny. also, Hurricane, if you're backstage watching, then I accept you're challenge, Ill see you at summerslam!"

| - |:. Scene .:| - | Suddenly the arena goes into complete darkness .. # STAND BACK THERES A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH # The Hurricane's music plays as everyone in the arenas attention gets turned to the top of the ramp.. The lights come back as we can see the Hurricane standing there with a microphone in his hand.. Back in the ring Chris Jericho and Billy Gunn are standing up out of their seats, as Chris looks ballistic.

| - |:."The Host" Chris Jericho.:| - | "Hey Junior , Why in the HELL are you interrupting my show?! This is my show dammit! ! "

| - |:. Scene .:| - |Jericho's face has gone bright red and he seems to be having a temper tantrum right there in the middle of the ring..

| - |:."Hurri-Powered " The Hurricane.:| - | "Woah Woah Woah , Citizen Billy , We Can't have you running back onto MY show and demanding things now , can we? But you know what, fine , you can have your title shot! "

| - |:. Scene .:| - |Billy Gunn grins and turns to Chris with a big smile across his face

| - |:."Hurri-Powered " The Hurricane.:| - | "BUT! ..Only if you can beat my NEW Hurri-Sidekick on Smackdown Next Week.. "

| - |:. Scene .:| - |Both Chris Jericho and Mr. Ass look slightly confused but then start to laugh..

| - |:."The Host" Chris Jericho.:| - | "Ooo and who's that then Jerky?.." "

| - |:."Mr. Ass " Billy Gunn.:| - | "Oh Oh Wait Chris I know , is It Superman?? "

| - |:. Scene .:| - |Billy ' Mr Ass ' Gunn holds his stomach and starts to chuckle..

| - |:."Hurri-Powered " The Hurricane.:| - | "No No , Mr Asshole , this super-villain is much , much smarter then Superman ....He is , The Green Mist!!"

| - |:. Scene .:| - |Chris and Billy look at each other with confused looks on their faces.. Suddenly none of than Tajiri appears from underneath the ring!! He slides in behind both Y2J and Mr. Ass.. Tajiri taps Billy on the back , Billy Gunn quickly spins around.. Tajiri spits Mist in the eyes!! Green mist to the eye's of Mr. Ass! Billy drops down to his knee's holding his eye's in pain . Chris turns around and see's what happened but Tajiri quickly slides out of the ring before Y2J can do anything.. Chris looks irate as he tends Billy.. the green mist ' Tajiri ' makes his way up the ramp evilly laughing and holding his wrist as the scene fades out..

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Time: 12:35pm
Status: Off Camera

[[-x-The scene opens up with WrestleMania Entertainment Cameras are situated in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.. As we are just days away from the Smackdown event which will take place in the Skyreach Centre , which is not too far away from where we are currently located . We are inside the Larger Than Life Living Legend Chris Jericho's brand spanking new Jeep.. Chris is driving and doesn’t look to pleased at all.. Although we are in his home land of Canada.. Along side Chris is Christian who has a little smile across his face.. and is obviously reeking of awesomeness.. Chris continues to drive down a busy Edmonton street and suddenly slams on the breaks.. Chris starts to shout abuse at the driver in front.. Christian turns to Y2J and smiles while Chris is looking irate .-x-]]

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Dude , you need to like totally chill out..

[[-x-Chris turns to the left slightly to face Christian while he is driving .-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] CHILL OUT?!.. You want me to Chill Out?!!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Ch'yeah!! .. you look like you're about to EXPLODE!

[[-x-Chris's eye's widen .-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Explode? .. Oh no Christian I am beyond exploding.. I mean did you see what happened last week?!! DID YOU?!! .. The Hi -Lite Reel... MY HI - LITE REEL !! was rudely interrupted by the Hurricane!.. That Sanctimonious sonnovabitch! Who in the HELL does he think he is HUH?!

[[-x-Christian shrugs his shoulders and then pulls a CD out of a bag which is laying beside him .-x-]]

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] I dunno dude , he is a Superhero .

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Superhero?!! That Assclown is a complete phoney.. and on Smackdown is Jericho next week , I am gonna beat some Y2-Sense into him..

[[-x-Chris smiles a little . Christian then places the CD into the jeeps CD player as the music starts to play.-x-]]

Now where them girls at? (Where the girls at?)
It's Diddy, Murphy Lee, and Nelly how you love that? (Shit uh ohhhhhh)
Come on, we got another one player
From New York to the Dirty how they loving it player?

[[-x-Chris gets a look of disgust on his face.-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] What in the hell is that garbage?!! Get rid of it damnit , turn it off!!!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Bro this sooo isn't garbage.. It's Shake Ya Tail Feathers by Ne..

[[-x-Chris interrupts.-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Shake ya what?!! ..Ahhh I want it off Damnit!!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Dude! This is like the official song for Summerslam.. and the peeps seem to love it .

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Yeah , well they would.. bunch of jerkoff's.. they wouldnt know real talent if it came out and slapped them across the face.. You wanna hear some REAL music?!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Erm no?

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] To bad Junior.. Sit back and enjoy..

[[-x-Y2J then proceeds to take out Christians CD.. and pop's in his very own Fozzy CD into the CD playa .-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Woooooo .. Oh yeah this is the stuff today's youth wanna' listen to baby!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] What is it?

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] What do ya mean what is it?!! This is FOZZY you Assclown.. the greatest Band on the face of this earth!!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Fozzy?!!

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Yes Fozzy you Jackass.. what do you want me to do , spell it out for you?

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Totally..

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Oh shut the hell up you reek-a-mould.. Never mind now we're here..

[[-x-Chris pulls up into a long driveway.. and we are now outside a large house which could quite possibly belong to your Larger Than Life Living Legend Chris Jericho. Christian looks at Y2J and just shakes his head in disappointment .-x-]]

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Dude for the last time , its Reekazoid.. R-e-e-k-a-z-o-i-d ..

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Yeah that's what I said ..

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] No you didn't ..

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Yes I did ..

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] Didn't

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] DAMNIT CHRISTIAN I DID!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] You totally did..

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] No I didn't!!!

[- 'Reeks of Goldage' Christian -] hahaha .. Told ya so bro .

[[-x-Chris looks frustrated as he drops his head into his hands.. Christian grins feeling proud of what he just achieved.. Chris then gets out of the jeep and slams the door shut leaving Christian inside.. the camera follows Y2J as he walks up a few steps and opens the front door.. Chris disappears out of the camera view for a couple of minutes.. Finally chris jericho returns with a laptop in his grasp.. Chris sits down and plugs the laptop into the phone line and connects to the Internet. Chris then logs into AOL Instant Messenger under a name that the kind people from had set up for him so that all the superstars can stay connected by talking to each other online.. Chris obviously doesnt have the time to get online that much.. but he tries to get on as much as he can during his busy schedule.. Chris rubs his hands together and then start to type as he speaks..-x-]]

' World Wide Web .. is .. Jericho '

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Okay .. here we go baby . Now Username.. Why Too Jay WME.. haha that's me.. the King of Bling Bling!! .. Now I wonder what jerky's are online at this time.. ha, probably Mitchell.. That Assclown practically lives online..

[[-x-Chris signs on to AOL Instant Messenger.. And as soon as he does a message pops up.. ' Instant Message from WME Michael Cole ' .-x-]]

WME Michael Cole: "Hey Chris.. It's me.. Michael Cole ."

[[-x-Chris gets a look of disgust on his face and then types in a message .-x-]]

Why Too Jay WME: "Oh you don't say , The name kinda gave it away Mitch"

WME Michael Cole: "Oh yeah, silly me lol

[[-x-Chris has a confused look on his face-x-]]

Why Too Jay WME: "What in the hell does lol mean.. speak english you Assclown"

WME Michael Cole: "Oh just some Internet language i picked up Chris.. it means laughing out loud."

Why Too Jay WME: "I don't care what it means you little jerkoff.. what the hell are you laughing at it anyway Coach?! Do I amuse you or something?!

WME Michael Cole: "No Chris I'm Michael Cole"

[[-x-Chris looks frustrated.-x-]]

Why Too Jay WME: "Does it look like I give a damn Mitchell?!

WME Michael Cole: "I dont know Chris. Remember we are talking over AOL Instant Messenger. I can't see you.. he he"

[[-x-Chris Jericho gets a blank expression on his face.. He looks down and see's a little button on the message box that says ' block ' he clicks it and then ' WME Michael Cole has signed off ' appears on the screen.. Chris smiles.-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] Much better.. That Assclown nearly makes me as mad as that damn Hurri-Jackass.. Hurricane or whatever the hell he calls himself.. a superhero? pffft.. that Jerky is no way a superhero.. he's a complete phoney.. See I've been settin' trends and droppin' jaws from the very first time that I stepped into a wrestling ring , and nobody else in the history of sports entertainment can claim that!! I'm the longest reining World Heavyweight Champion in the history of this company damnit.. and what thanks do i get? heh a match with ' The Hurricane ' on Smackdown is jericho.. this will not only be a waste of my precious time.. But it will also be a waste of the millions of jerichoholics time .. who paid their hard earned cash to come and see ME! The Hi -Lite of the Nite.. The Mac Daddy!.. The BEST wrestler to eveeeer grace a WrestleMania Entertainment ring baby.. and I'm not even in the freakin Main event.. where is the justice in that damnit..

[[-x-Why Too Jay shakes his head as he continues to speak.-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] I've beat the very best baby.. I've kicked Rocky's ass, and I've kicked Vampiro's ass, and the only reason I don't technically have a win over the Hurri-jackass yet is because we haven't faced each other.. Hurriane attacked Billy from behind like a little coward last week, and interrupted MY Hi -Lite Reel and for that, he's gonna' get the most vicious beating of his life.. I will walk out of Smackdown is Jericho as a winner, and there will no longer be a shadow of a doubt in anybody's mind about who the greatest wrestler alive today truly is, and the entire world will know once and for all why they call me, Chris Jericho, 'Larger than Life' Living Legend and an irresistible sexay beast.. Hurricane you think that you humiliated and embarrassed me last week , but on Smackdown, you're gonna' find out what humiliation truly is Jerky, and I'm gonna' embarrass you far more than you embarrass yourself on a daily basis! Running around in you're little green cape.. Pretending to be a SuperHero Ha.. I'm the Ayatolla of Rock N' Rolla baby.. and Hurricane you are nothing more than a ...

[[-x-Chris suddenly stops speaking as a message appears on the screen. ' Instant Message from WME Lady Killa MC ' Chris has more than a confused look on his face-x-]]

WME Lady Killa MC: "Chris I do have more then one name you know"

Why Too Jay WME: "Is that really you Mitch.. Can't you just stop talking to me.. I hear you enough at work and I can't stand to hear the sound of your little voice in my head while I'm reading your messages damnit.. WME Lady Killa? .. what the hell mitch?! Don't ya have a boyfriend at home?!

[[-x-Chris waits for a second and then ' WME Lady Killa MC has signed off '.. appears on the screen..-x-]]

[- 'King of the World' Chris Jericho -] What a Jackass.. that frosty top.. wMe lady killa?.. haha Why Too Jay is one bad mamma jamma of sexay beast baby!

[[-x-Y2J looks like hes just about ready to sign off.. But all of a sudden another Instant Message pops up-x-]]

The Marvel Hero: "Well Hello there .. is this Chris Jericho?

Why Too Jay WME: "In the flesh baby!

The Marvel Hero: "I see."

Why Too Jay WME: "Who are you Jerky?!

The Marvel Hero: "Tis me..

Why Too Jay WME: "Who damnit?!

The Marvel Hero: "Jerk-io .. you must come to the Marvel Comic Book convention this Wednesday.."

[[-x-Chris looks slightly frustrated as he types..-x-]]

Why Too Jay WME: "You Must ? who do you think you are Junior ! Do you think that you can tell ' The King of the World ' what do to JERKY ?

The Marvel Hero: "...Yes."

Why Too Jay WME: "What are you an online stalker?! A sick little Jerichoholic?!

The Marvel Hero: "What kind of stalker would ask you to meet at a comic book convention?

Why Too Jay WME: "I dunno ya litte Assclown.. why do you want me to go there anyway damnit?!

The Marvel Hero: "There is something you need to see Mister Jerki-o.."

Why Too Jay WME: "And what's that then huh?"

The Marvel Hero: "Something to do with you're very good friend.. The Hurricane!.. Make sure you're there Jerkio!"

[[-x-' The Marvel Hero ' has signed off comes up on the screen leaving Chris Jerichio with a look of bewilderment on his face.. After a few seconds Chris turns off AOL Instant Messenger as the camera fades to black and this crap roleplay ends.-x-]]

STOPPED AND DROPPED BY THE WALLS OF JERICHO : Scott Hall (6) , Kevin Nash (3) , The Rock (2) , Syxx Pac (2) , Stone Cold Steve Austin , Shawn Michaels , Edge , Christian , Buff Bagwell , Chris Kanyon, Chris Candido , Justice Pain , Shane Douglas , Mike Sanders , Buff Bagwell , Ken Shamrock , Dave Batista , Vampiro . Royal Rumble Participants - Buff Bagwell , Justice Pain , Taz , Chris Kanyon , Chris Candido

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