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In a kingdom in the mountains, there dwelt a goodly king. He was just and kind and strong and won the respect of all his subjects and those of neighboring kingdoms as well. Most importantly of all, he had earned the respect of a beautiful and gracious woman, who soon became queen. The two had a son, a perfect little boy, the promise of a great tomorrow.

Despite all this, the king could not set his mind at ease. His country’s tradition had long been to send the men to war in the attempt to gain glory and power and riches and strength. This king, however, didn’t agree with the choices of his forefathers. His countrymen admired him all the better for it. His brother, however, did not. The prince had long been a general in the armies. He loved the thrill of battle, the power to grant life or bring death. Ah , the power. He wanted to feel that again. His lust for power became so intense that it consumed him and became his only thought. Love for anything else was pushed from his mind. The prince hired an assassin to kill his brother and kidnap his tiny son.

Who knows how often such things have happened throughout history? Surely more often than we can know - more often than I want to consider. In a world where we are all brothers and sisters, we kill with the greatest ease. In a way, this story is about that, but it is also about love. Love and a few other things.

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The journey begins...

Reasons not to steal my story: