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Intro to The Reality of A Star

“Welcome to ‘Reality!’ I’m your host Hank Pulse. Today, on our television show, we have a special guest. We welcome Sarah Michelle Gellar to the program. Before we begin talking with the highly controversial former star of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer,’ let me tell you who she is and why she’s here. Her highly, highly popular television series, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ finished its seven year run last evening; much to the dismay of the legions of fans who supported it till the last second.”


“Sarah Michelle decided that she’d had enough of the shows grueling and demanding schedule, and decided she’d like to spend more time with her new husband Freddie Prince Jr., as well as concentrate on her motion picture career. Unfortunately for the fans of ‘Buffy,’ no spin-off has been created, and now are faced with life after Buffy; sooner than they would’ve liked.”


“So let’s bring Sarah in, and begin our discussion. Welcome to ‘Reality’ Sarah. We are extremely happy to have you here.”


“Thanks,” Sarah began with a shy smile. “I’m overwhelmed to be here.”


“Why’s that,” Hank began asking? “Has everything been satisfactory for you Sarah?”


“Oh, yeah, everything’s been great,” an eager Gellar quickly responded to make everyone realize that she was happy to be on the show, only it was something else that caused her to be overwhelmed. “You all have been great. It’s just that I’m nervous because I know that there are so many questions headed in my direction, in only a short period of time.”


“I completely understand Sarah,” Hank insensitively answered and continued. “We’ll ease our way into it by asking you a simple question. “Were you sick of doing the sow?”


“Wow,” Sarah commented as she stuttered around for how to respond. “If that’s an easy question, I dread what’s coming. I guess I was getting sick of the show, for we had been doing it for seven long, but great years. I think it the show had finally reached its pinnacle, and we didn’t want to come down from it; then face the horrid backlash from it. We also wanted to end the show on top, because the show had been so good for so many years, we didn’t want it to end with no one caring. I think we did a good job.”


“I see how you nicely changed course with that answer, and turned it into a nice poetic response,” Hank remarked as he understood that it would take a little more directness to get valid answers to his questions. He then noticed a smile come across Sarah’s face, which confirmed his belief that Sarah would try and wiggle her way out of answering his questions truthfully.


“Ok, the show was so huge that it created an enormous following,” Hank began. “Don’t you sort of feel like you owe it to those fans who made you so popular, don’t you owe them a better reason than, and I quote, ‘we wanted to go out on top.’ Don’t you feel like you are stabbing those fans in the back by taking the show off before it is vitally necessary? I mean, you have such amazing creators and writers. I’m sure they could keep writing at that high level.”


Sarah took a second to think and then responded, “I’m so appreciative of the fans that have supported not only the show, but me as well. They made me a key figure in Hollywood. Without ‘Buffy’ I don’t know where I’d be right now. But, I don’t think we are stabbing them in the back by ending the show after seven seasons. We honestly believe that the show is at its highest point; and there’s nowhere to go but down. If the fans believe that we owe them in some way to keep the series going, well I’m sorry but we don’t owe them that.”


“Maybe your right about not owing the fans by keeping the series running,” Hank quickly commented and went on to ask. “But you keep saying ‘we’ in your responses. It’s been reported that the show would’ve continued if you signed a new contract. Since you didn’t then the show was unable to go on. So, why say ‘we wanted to go out on top’ when it’s because of you that the show came to an end?”


Sarah became a little peeved at the remarks and question and let out a slight chuckle. “Well, that’s one way to look at it. But…”


“It’s the only way to look at it,” Hank interrupted. “You didn’t sign a new contract, so the show had to end. That’s reality. Isn’t it?”


Sarah looked at Hank who hid behind dark-lense sunglasses, and wore a sarcastic smile. When she didn’t respond he proceeded to ask another question. “I’ve been hearing a lot lately about, mysterious and gruesome acts of violence happening here in Los Angeles. There have been reports that people have been acting out very much like the demons and creatures that are portrayed in your television program. It could be because of the bitterness from the show ending. Or it could be something else. Have you heard about this? And if so, what is your response to it?”


“I haven’t heard anything about that or anything like that,” Sarah responded. “I just arrived in L.A. today as a matter of fact. I was spending time with my husband before we begin shooting our movie together.”


“Even so,” Hank said, as he continued on the topic he had just brought up. “You’ve worked on ‘Buffy’ for seven years! You’ve dealt with strange and crazy, even supernatural events daily.”


“It’s a television show,” Sarah quickly interrupted for she was becoming annoyed with Hank Pulse. “It’s not real!”


“Even so,” Hank replied and continued. “You have to have an opinion on the topic. There have been reports that people are acting out in vampirism ways. Bodies have been found recently with holes in their necks, and drained of blood. What if, what you were working on, just so happened to be real? What if vampires, demons, and etc. did exist? What would you do?”


Sarah smiled and began laughing on air but responded, “Ok, ha, ha. I see! You want me to admit that I think this stuff is real, so you can get a rise out of me. I’m sorry, but it won’t work. Ha, ha. Good try though! But, I will say this, whoever is killing those innocent people, should stop doing what they are doing. For, they will get caught. Sooner or later the police will catch them. Remember, this isn’t a Hollywood set, this is Reality!”


Hank smiled and said, “I’d like to thank our guest for answering our questions so candidly (Hank removes his glasses for a second and winks). And ask her if she would like to say a final word to her legions of fans out there.”


Sarah nods her head in acceptance, and responds as the T.V is turned off and a pale man wearing all black, and bleach blonde hair says, “The police, Bloody hell. They couldn’t catch me if I was glued to the ground. ‘This is Reality!’ She was right about that. Now it’s time to personally show her that reality!”

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