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Sketch Directory

Caution: these appear in one HUGE scroll. I'd browse by month unless you have a really really fast connection. B2 is pretty stupid for its archiving.

a bit more finished
general sketches

August 2003
July 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002

A note regarding archive commenting: I will most likely not receive it if it's not within the current month or two, so it won't be very useful if you ask me a question concerning an image that's too old. Leave a comment with a date link or description on a more current one and I can get back to you that way.

links, main site
LJ Art
Under 'verunne'


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All graphics on this site are Copyright © 2002-2003 Clio Chiang unless otherwise stated. They are not to be reposted, redistributed, or altered without written permission by the owner. In other words, do not repost them to your site, use them for icons, avatars, or anything of that nature.

August 12, 2003

jpegs are not your friend ::

I should've saved this one as a .gif, but oh well. I've inked the latest 5 pages with nibs because the first page I attempted after... around 2 months? looked like garbage digitally inked. I kind of like inking it by hand, but it's not as clean as the digital, obviously. Plus it wastes paper and ink. Eh well. It's still too early to tell which one is going to look better. I'll probably switch around depending on my mood (and how tired my eyes are, or how much control is needed). From the next update, which is gonna happen around August 25:

Someday I will finish an entire picture in painter, and not just draw ugly disembodied heads.

PS Clio: return your library books.
[01:08am] [2 Monkeys] [top]

August 08, 2003

here's something from a few days ago, when I bought a couple trias. wasn't patient enough to wait for the ink to dry thoroughly, as you can tell from the ankle. Also ran out of space to draw the right foot.

oh and Alissa, here's the Barbie seam tattoo gal. I think it's kind of neat.
[08:49pm] [2 Monkeys] [top]

August 02, 2003

This one's dress is kind of ugly and looks like a blah-cake.

note to self: 199 words to type before you can goof off today.
[03:48pm] [5 Monkeys] [top]

July 28, 2003

Ignore the crooked face - I was looking at MAD! art and wanted to gank off Liquid's colouring. Alissa: in case you don't, check LJ for passwords. Oooh... he looks like a villain!

Jerry (pending name...) and Saire (had this name around forever - may as well use it!). I feel like making a comic I can update with a page once a week or so. Merhsdfsdf.
[10:20pm] [9 Monkeys] [top]

July 12, 2003

This is going to be spring ::

...starting to look summery, but meh! Colours and stuff not determined yet.

Actually turned out kind of cute.
[12:41am] [2 Monkeys] [top]

July 11, 2003

I HATED those anime-looking watercolour seasons pictures I had back in the illustration section, so I decided to do them over in a style I'm comfortable with (the old ones I'll probably give to the charity auction, why not). And really, I think they look loads better. There's a place where I can get them photo-printed for not too much, and they'd look pretty good as glossy prints, so I'm going to do that instead (and in the meantime avoid looking like every other anime artist that might be presenting there - I mean let's face it, I can't do straight anime). Each of these took me only 'bout 5 minutes to sketch; the colouring will be a bit more of a challenge. I really wish I knew how to use illustrator! Here's a snippet of autumn: I'm not sure about the horns. Opinions?

And to the people who ordered the Sketchfolio today: I will be mailing them tomorrow! There was too much duck fluff floating around and I didn't want to go out and sneeze my head off for the rest of the day. Sorry! I'll spend more time on your sketches =)
[05:34pm] [8 Monkeys] [top]

June 19, 2003

your picture for the day... week. ::

[08:38pm] [7 Monkeys] [top]

May 31, 2003

update on Monday ::

Backgrounds still need to be fixed for all these. For once I'm actually pleased with how all the colours are working out!
[02:20am] [6 Monkeys] [top]

May 29, 2003

Alissa, this is FOR YOU ::

...because I don't have the balls to say how much I LURVE you.

It's not this yellow in real life, honest.

These watercolours are taking me forever to get used to. They dry a lot slower! *grumblemiff* But it's also because I haven't practiced with them enough yet, oiy! Now I'm wondering if I should go ahead and attempt a large painting with them or just use my old wimpy ones in case I screw up. Hrm. Finding Nemo tomorrow!!!

I'm too scared to post on my LJ anymore. There are too many good artists on it. ;_;
[08:59pm] [2 Monkeys] [top]

May 27, 2003

A delicate Asian flower ::

Brought to you by Big Bad Chinese Mama

I'm so glad I scanned this in before I wrecked it with watercolours. Can't draw legs, natch. Or, I can't draw them realistically. At ALL.
[01:35am] [4 Monkeys] [top]

May 23, 2003

My Go Gaia sig. It's not this big, though.
[04:04pm] [5 Monkeys] [top]

May 13, 2003

blaaaaaaah ::

Insomnia, so worked on the comic. I still have a 1/2 page to draw before the next update (which will probably be later today). This is my favourite panel. And since I was colouring it in the dark everything will probably be too dark tomorrow when I see it in daylight.

By the way, I have a water droplet on lens fetish. It's one of the neatest effects in film, methinks.
[03:46am] [3 Monkeys] [top]

May 11, 2003

and yet another ::

This one didn't turn out too hot, as Painter's scripting thingy was recording MY EVERY MOVE. I think. Still trying to figure it out. I always have a hell of a time painting noses, especially nose bridges.

OC with Vera. She says she's having art block, but I think otherwise, feh!
[02:18am] [5 Monkeys] [top]

May 09, 2003

this is post #103 ::

nose isn't defined well enough in this one, and the face is crooked. OH WELL.

Alissa, I tinkered around with the watercolour brush and think that Terada just had the brush setting on "cover, soft cover." It makes its settings exactly like the oil brush, and when underlaid with the normal watercolour brush settings it gives it that nice texture. The water brush on "cover" isn't nearly as sensitive as the oil brushes though.
[10:05pm] [4 Monkeys] [top]

April 24, 2003

lightheaded! ::

Ugh. This scanned so contrasty; it's not nearly as glaring in real life, really. Markers smell really bad; I think that's another reason why I don't use them that much. They make me diiiizzy.

I'll have to remember not to use brighter coloured pencils next time, otherwise it makes things look too shiny.
[01:54pm] [7 Monkeys] [top]

April 22, 2003

for your daily recommended dosage of sugar. ::

I should get a Naples yellow or something instead of using white. Oh wait, I DO have one!! Just too lazy to dig it out ;P

Gad Zeus these images are HUGE. Will shrink them tomorrow.
[12:30am] [7 Monkeys] [top]

April 19, 2003

Brush ink hates me ::

Since I haven't posted anything here in awhile, here's...something. I'm not sure if I'll go through with the sketchfolio since my faith in my right hand has gone *splaaaaaaaa!* Nothing's turning out right lately. I want to practice inking with a brush a lot more. I love the feel of it; just need to learn the controls. This girl can ink sexy like you can't believe, man.

Oh, Genn and I were looking at bondage-corset type things... can ya tell? ;)
[02:37pm] [5 Monkeys] [top]

April 05, 2003

Maybe I should split these off into their own category? ::

Aku. He didn't turn out as well as I had hoped (although this is just a test run for a future drawing). Aku used to be a pussy of a kid but grew up to be a decent fighter.

[12:47am] [5 Monkeys] [top]

March 30, 2003

Alissa: I'm planning on putting this guy on the cover (as one of a whole conglomerate of strange people expression portraits, like the other 4 on the main page). But I'm not sure yet. And I'm not really wanting typical eye-candy covers either (although those might attract more sales??). Maybe a Laundromat would work too. Or an apple. At any rate, I threw another version in there. Most likely the cover won't be decided until... the last minute anyway.
[02:43am] [8 Monkeys] [top]

March 26, 2003

Changing Lightbulbs ::

[11:20pm] [11 Monkeys] [top]

February 23, 2003

punched in the gut ::

Posting a detail that you'd see on the illustration page... because I CAN. And some people only visit this page anyway.

Must make this a formal painting. yes. Holy compression, batman!

[12:11am] [3 Monkeys] [top]

February 06, 2003

characters are rudely pushed into the "real world"
[08:24pm] [2 Monkeys] [top]

January 20, 2003

satyr chick ::

watercolours, acrylic highlights. there really IS a difference between synthetic and real hair brushes. a HUGE difference..... sables almost hold too much water! I'm never buying synthetic again, even though it'll take a huge chunk out of my pocket money to invest in real ones.
[07:40pm] [3 Monkeys] [top]

January 09, 2003

Here's something else I was working on in watercolours but I doubt I'll finish it. Haven't been drawing anything interesting lately.
[10:53pm] [9 Monkeys] [top]

January 08, 2003

if none of you have met Terada... ::

...shame on you. Go and kiss his feet.

[01:28am] [2 Monkeys] [top]

January 02, 2003

wanna see my monkey? ::

[02:56am] [1 Monkey] [top]

December 31, 2002

backgrounds, chapter 4 ::

Some backgrounds for chapter 4. my perspective knowledge is like, zilcho. They'll be cropped, obviously.

Disturbing lack of furniture... Let's call it cartoonisms that there can be a flaming fire underneath wooden beams without burning them down. Maybe it's MAGIC fire. Yeah.

I'm turning 21 soon. The day that this week ends. Kind of unnerving to be entering into the 20's, as I don't feel like it at all.
[01:30am] [3 Monkeys] [top]

December 14, 2002

nuubie nuubie nuubie! ::

I so wanted to have been a kid in the 70's. SO BAD. Like really.

[06:28pm] [4 Monkeys] [top]

December 08, 2002

oh my...

it's a record tonight for painter pics. I just went, "screw that... I'm drawing tonight..."
so there'll be hell to pay tomorrow in piano and music theory classes. Good luck on your exam (...tomorrow???) Alissa!

[11:21pm] [7 Monkeys] [top]

December 06, 2002

And one for the general...


I found an affordable watercolour sketchbook and it was love at first sight. Suck it, Loomis! No $50 Canson book for me, unfortunately.. but this pro-art one doesn't seem to warp at all!
[10:49pm] [2 Monkeys] [top]

November 27, 2002

Work in progress ::

..for Xmas card design that may not be finished ;P (not this year anyway)

Also rounded out Snow White's chin (looks better this way, thanks to input from the folks over at Astonish Comics!

From the "I Saw You" project... watercolour. Also not done yet.

[12:31am] [1 Monkey] [top]

November 23, 2002

I hate clowns. ::

[12:16am] [2 Monkeys] [top]

November 20, 2002

Still not in bed... ::

A sketch based on one of Genn's awesome designs for her video game character!

I really like the white colour scheme one she did of her, but this doodle does it no justice. Ok.. bedtime...really.
[02:44am] [0 Monkeys] [top]

November 17, 2002

Catty Elf... ::

New stuff on the illustration page! This started as a doodle but I was procrastinating...

I promise to get my butt back to working on schoolstuff tomorrow...yes yes.
[12:10am] [4 Monkeys] [top]

November 13, 2002

He loves you! ::

Yes, you! And you, and you... and you over there...

I think I'll be putting this up in the regular gallery... the watercolours turned out nice for once and not THAT sketchy! I'm laying the colours on thicker... which probably gives it a more marker-esque appearance. The only problem is that water just loves warping bad paper. 1st page to sketchbook #7 (two of which will never see the light of day...)
Piano competition in uh... 10 hours... oog >=(