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Brought to you by #generals on Efnet (updated: April 2nd, 2003)

1.05 Patch guide

Follow these instructions exactly and it will work.

Step 1. Download the original game.dat to your game folder overwriting the old file. (also found in on CD1)

Step 2. Download the official v1.05 patch Generals-105-english.exe and run it. If you get an error saying old file not found you didnt do step 1.

Step 3. Download the v1.05 cracked patch and extract the game.dat to your game folder overwriting the old one.


List of changes and other issues can be found in the readme. Keyboard hotkeys keyboard.jpg.
Add -noshellmap -nologo to your shortcut target to prevent the intro movie and background battle (ex. D:\Generals\generals.exe -noshellmap -nologo)


Internet troubleshooting:

Router help guide is here and VPN tutorial is here

SLOW INTERNET PLAY: Please lower your graphics people! The game speed is determined by the slowest computer. So make sure the intro screen with the tanks in the middle is smooth as silk. This game doesn't need much bandwidth or low ping.

- The only way to play over the internet with the cracked version is to connect to other people using "direct connect" or through VPN. For DC go in the game under the menu Multiplayer>Network>Direct connect. Enter the person's IP you want to connect to in the remote host box.

- "connection timed out" message indicates it cannot communicate with the other computer, close any firewall applications or open the correct ports. If your behind a router/gateway you will have to change some settings which are explained in the router guide.

- If you can join the server but cannot see the chat or drop after a few seconds and are behind a router you will have to change some settings, read the router guide. If all else fails enable "send delay" in the generals network options.

- If you are still having problems connecting with a router, many people have been successfull using microsoft's virtual private networking (VPN). Read the VPN tutorial above, and join #generalsvpn.

- If playing through a firewall you must open the following ports or put your IP in the Demilitary zone (DMZ) TCP ports: 80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920 and UDP ports: 4321, 27900.

- "Invalid serial" means your playing someone with the same key, generate a new one with generator.exe and run generals_code.exe found in the game folder to change it.


Game problems:

- My units blow up after a few minutes! You don't have the crack applied.

- If your game crashes with the "serious error" message, try increasing your page file for NT or known as the swap file for windows9x. Reset all your video card settings to default and use the latest non-beta drivers for your video card. Check the readme for supported video cards, not all cards work with generals.

- Jerky video or weird artifacts on the screen means its time to download the latest drivers for your video card. This will give you a boost in performance as well.

- If your sound disapears adjust the volume in the options and it will come back.