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Closet Work Shops
Designed by: Wesley Davis

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Knowledge is power, and power is a privlage not all of us will have, but at one point or another all of us will feel the presence of. Without the knowledge, power is limitless, and without knowledge, leaders can only lead through fear, through intimidation that the lesser party only can know less, and the lesser they know, the less they can alter the party obove them. And that is percisley what our goverment is trying to manipulate out of first our youth. So listen and you will hear, of the truth, the reality of the fake mask pulled infront of us all.


7/5/03- This site was first put into its first draph of code!
7/6/03- This site was first published

The premiss of this website is to give free information to use and to understand about polotics, taxes, and whats what in the world of news. This is sort of the peoples source for finding the information on a level that fits them, and that tells them what most news oginazations will not. Plus, here you can cunsult with people who can give you the answers you need to fill in any queries you have.

These are some of the free information recources we have to offer to the public, just read the information on each subject, and click the link of your chose.
1. This segment is on the S.U.V conflcit, and what the truth of both sides is.
Click me
2. click here to read about the scoop on the status of American troops and allie troops in Korea at the 'D Milliterize Zone.'
Click me
3. Here about the newest car tax in California. (A must read for California residants) Click me

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