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Stuff to fill space.
Just some garbage news that supposed to be interesting or something along those lines. it may even come in handy one day or another, but i doubt anything will be here any time soon. blaaaaaaaaa!!!

Another Day
Some time

More stuff.
'wow has it been that long since ive updated the site?' and whatever other cliche statements fit in here.  :
To the right is an example of one of my more recent photoshop works. As you can see, i am quite competent in the application. If there are any companies that like my work, and need an artist, check my "about me" section for contact details.  thankyou.

Before this Day
Another time

1337 mappage.
Ive got some updates on my latest mappage. The map is called DM-1337nessness. This is my first map ever, and would be best described as a hardcore map.... its all about the gameplay people. i took into special consideration, and i decided that it would be best if there was no eye candy to distract you while your franticly playing, and there are no static meses to get caught on either.  i was on such a roll while making this map that it only took me 20 minutes. i hope you enjoy!!!
d/l link:

Site Design and content copyright Nick Donaldson 2003. All rights reserved