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70s invasion - Laurie Spiegel

Laurie Spiegel was a pioneer in experimental electronic music, and one of the first musicians to perform a synthesizer .... :) she began to record about '69 or so and then began releasing some music later in the early 70s, her personal website is here -

If you like her music then we suggest you seek out some related music we reviewed yrs ago such as Silver Apples, White Niose ( both lps released in '67, and '68 ) Iannis Xenakis, and others you can find in our experimental music section towards the bottom of our page 3 . . .

“Consequently, the truth of God lives in our souls more by the power of superior moral courage than by the light of an eminent intelligence. Indeed, spiritual intelligence itself depends on the fortitude and patience with which we sacrifice ourselves for the truth, as it is communicated to our lives concretely in the providential will of God”

“It would be a sin to place any limit upon our hope in God. We must love Him without measure. All sin is rooted in the failure of love. All sin is a withdrawal of love from God, in order to love something else.”

There is a dark force for destruction within us, which someone has called the “death instinct.” It is a terribly powerful thing, this force generated by our own frustrated self-love battling with itself. It is the power of a self-love that has turned into self-hatred and which, in adoring itself, adores the monster by which it is consumed.”

We are united to Him in darkness, because we have to hope.”

excerts from - ' No Man is an Island ' by Thomas Merton

playing the fiddle some yrs later

We live forward, but we understand it backward - Kierkegaard

... It is ironic that you must go to the edge to find the center
