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new pictures are added every few days == check back daily == Coming soon... buy kayla stuff and make money online == my naked pics will be added soon == Help kayla with school fees.. click the paypal link ==

Hey everyone and thanks for coming to my website! Emm so im guessin u wana know abt me. Okay well im 19 and im from the United Kingdom. There is a pic of me on the right there.

About me

Hair: Brown but dyed blond
Eyes: Blueish
Height: 5"5 - smallness of me!! lol
Weight: 7 Stone
Age 19
Born in: Manchester
Relationship: na, not at the min.. im focusing on work and Uni. i mite want one soon tho
Location: United Kingdom

Well my name is Kayla and i live in the United Kingdom. Its really cool here. I am 19 and i am at University at the minute, I really need some help with the costs of living at Uni and the courses and stuff. Its really expensive. Also a cutey gurl like me has to pay 4 all her clothes for goin out and havin fun!! I have a job - i work in Topshop. Its great... all the cute clothes i cant afford. lol. For anyone who is outside of the UK and dont know what Topshop is, its a really big store that sells clothes. I save a bita money there cuz i get a 10% discount. woo hoo? lol.

I kinda have a problem and that is money!! lol. The thing is I am at Uni and i have so much costs and a student loan. I really wood appreciate help from anyone who wanted to send me some money. I set up a Paypal account if you want to help me in my struggle to get a degree. lol. Hopefully i will have a good job in a few years after i finish Uni.

One of my other problems that im tryin not to think about is my credit card. I kinda well.. overspent and i cant hardly afford to pay it all back.. if your a really good n generous soul such as myself.. read on!! u see im jus a cutie chic who has spent to much on clothes and having fun..

Fun fings that i love to do

Well everyone has fun things that they luv to do. So hmm wut do i like to do? lol. Well i love to play netball wif my gurlies. its reli fun. *bounce* lol. I also luv to chat on msn messanger to muh gurls from the high school i used to go to. You can chat to me on msn if u wana, im so much fun.. lol. My addy is
Im a nice gurl really, i dont have a boyfriend at the minute and i like to hang out with my friends. Sometimes i like to go to the movies and to clubs. So if your out and about come and talk to me if ya see me!!

Im not forcin anyone too, but if you wana send me some cash to help me out well i would reallyyyyyy appreciate it. lol. it dusnt even have to be loads, like 10 pounds or sumthing or 20 if u reallllly wana lol. You can send me moneys from anywhere in your own money if u want to.. but i will have to get it changed into UK sterling money so that i can use it.. duh kayla lol.Im not a charity... im just a gurl who has spent way to much money lol. Click on the paypal link.

Well dis is a cool pic of me afta i got my hair coloured.. i duno which looks beta?

Another pic of me.. im so cute arent i? lol.. i think the guys will like this pic more though :-)

If u wana see more pics of me you can click here There is alot of pics of me here. I will prolly update it and add more aswell.
Click here to see My Pictures
I like to update muh website loads. I have a diary that i write in every few week dependin on how many ppl wana here me talk lol and i have a pictures page which i update loads so u can see muh as i changeee lol.

You can also look at my diary down below. The diary is where i will write most days about what ive been up too. My exciting life.. u get to read it lol. I will also write my feelings and any problems that i have. Il also write here how mi money situation is at uni. Thanks 4 visitin my site everyone and thank you **biggg hugs** if u send me sum money. uni is hard 4 a gurlie like me..

The Big Nasty Problem Im facing!!

Well if u had read my main problem is money because of the 3 main things that my ditzy mind has got me into. These are:
1. My University expenses.. (u cant blame me for that!! lol)
2. My credit card (maybb a lil bit my fault hehe)
3. My student loan - this isn't all that bad at the minute

Kaylas Diary

1st August 2003

Hey everyone, ive just started my site and hope that everyone who visits will be nice and help me. It was hard to make this site - even with my friends help lol. Please help. Thanks love you all. xo

3rd August 2003

It seems like lots of people like my pics but no-one seems to want to help me at all. I really need sum help people and id love u forever. mwah. xo talk to ya soon, also picture updates coming soon. xo kayla

Pic update:

il give my more updates wen u start givin me sum help ppl. lol xo

Homepage Pictures