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2/19 Got Homer Fight Up
2/16 Got Most Stories Up
2/14 Got The Nav Bar Up

Mafia I
Homer Fight
Tell A Friend About JBC


      Hey, welcome to the official site of The Jimmy Bob Chronicles. Yes, I know they're stupid. Yes, I know they're bad. Yes, I know they're not funny. But If George W. Bush gets to have a website all for himself Jimmy Bob should be able to have one too! We've got tons of stories. Ok not that many. But enough of them to keep you from playing with the electrical wiring in your house and getting that exercise you need so much.

      Now who is Jimmy Bob, you ask. He's the very very very stupid fool who we follow on all of his many adventures. Most are screwed up but read them any ways. Theres at least one funny part in each story...I hope. Some of the stories are short and some are long. Long being 5,000 words and short about 1000 words.

      Ok, some things first. Here are some assumptions I am making about you. First, I really hope you know how to read. If you can't please go bye-bye. Second, I hope that you are going to click on some of the ads. Yeah, its nice that your visiting my site and reading my stories and all but I want money and for that to happen you have to click on ads. So while your browsing my site listen to the little voice in your head telling you to click on the ads. It just can't stand to be ignored.

      A couple more things, I know my stories aren't perfect. I mean spelling and grammer wise that is. Don't waste my time by e-mailing me telling me all my spelling and grammer problems. Another things, most of the stories on this site were written by me. Some are not. Some have been written by my friends. I give them full credit. I even allow visitors to submit stories or ideas for stories.

      If you want to submit a story go to the submit a story page. It must be funny to be on my site (or at least not as bad as mine), about Jimmy Bob and proper length. More details are available at the submit a story page. Another thing. Don't hesitate to tell a friend about this site. Heck, tell your whole family well your at it. Then tell your grade then your city. This site can only stay open if people come here (and no it would not be funny to get everybody to stop coming to this site and watch me cry)

        Ok the thing about this site is Geocities (the server I'm using to host this site) doesn't support .php or .shtml(Yes I know you don't know what that means but I'll continue). That means every time I get another story I have to go through every single page on the site and change the story count(I know thats retarded but I still do it). Same thing with the news, quick links, and coming soons. So that means that a lot of that stuff might be delayed a little bit. If you want to see an official story count go to the 'All stories' page. That will always be correctly updated. Nobody really cares about the other stuff so I'll just leave it static.

      One last thing, DO NOT STEAL THESE STORIES. They are rightfully (and legally) mine and if I find some body who has taken these stories without my permission I will not hesitate to take legal actions. More money for me. Don't think that I won't find you site...because I will. I assure you I will. If you e-mail me and ask me nicely I might consider letting you use these stories if you give me proper credit. Also if you wrote one of these stories feel free to submit it to other sites or putting it on your own website. In fact if you submit your own story and have it on your website I will put a link to your site on my site. The reasons to submit a story just never stop. Now that all this is out of the way go and enjoy my stories and if you actually read all this give yourself a pat on the may be the only one.


Total Story Count: 15 Stories!

Page: Hate Mail
Story: Schizophrenia
Section: Jimmy Bob's Pages