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Mortat's erm.. Well, just my blog!
Monday, 14 July 2003
Today I feel a bit depressed.. But comparing to how I felt yesterday, I'm as happy as possible. Oh I felt so fucked up yesterday :( Yesterday evening, I just couldn't stop crying, was really horrible. And just none of my friends were online *sigh* But it's better now! Tomorrow I have to see a therapist. Or whatever it's called. I really don't want to go there, because I don't like the idea that a stranger will discover all my feelings, my emotions. Oh well, I'll see tomorrow..

Posted by oz/mortat at 9:39 PM MEST
Updated: Monday, 14 July 2003 9:40 PM MEST
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Friday, 11 July 2003
I hate giving titels for an entry!
Today, everything is just fucked up.. *sigh* I feel so bad :( I could cry all day! But don't worry, I won't do that.. Why I feel like this? Oh well, I dunno, let me think.. Maybe because my friends are IGNORING ME ALL THE TIME! That sux. Yes, it really does, believe me. Ok, maybe they don't ignore me on purpose, but still, I don't like it.. Oh and I hate it that I just can't manage to play "Nothing Else Matters" on my guitar. Terrible day today.. I can only play the following:


And a bit more ofcourse, but I don't want to type that.. Really a very hard song to play! Well, hard for me.. *sigh* But one day I'll be able to play the whole song!

Posted by oz/mortat at 1:18 PM MEST
Updated: Friday, 11 July 2003 1:19 PM MEST
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As you can see.. This is my first entry! I, Mortat, am posting a serious entry in a serious blog! Well, as serious as possible.. So erm.. I think I'm supposed to tell about my day here. Now, let's see.. What have I done today? Ehm.. NOTHING! I'm having sort of vacation now, summer holidays, so I sleep all day, watch some tv, chat a bit, and that's it. Boring, don't you think? No? Well, believe me, it is.. *sigh* I want to go back to school! Really! No, I'm not sick! Hey, stop calling the doctor, I'm really not sick, yes, really! I'm just so bored.. That's all. Plus, I'm really looking forward to next year. I didn't make this year, so I'll have to redo it. That means that I'll come in a new class, a lot of new people to make crazy! I'm so curious at my new class..

Posted by oz/mortat at 12:58 AM MEST
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