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What is 'The Mayertrix'?

Listen: Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix is...

You have to see if for yourself.

What is it really?
You wanted to know what The Mayertrix is...
The Mayertrix is a small site created by a crazy girl with too much time on her hands who loves The Matrix and John Mayer.
She was listening to her CD one night when the track 'No Such Thing' came on. She was listening to it when suddenly a thought occurred to her: I just found out there's no such thing as the real world... Hey! That sounds like The Matrix!
She started looking at the lyrics some more and realized there were more connections. She downloaded a bunch of sound clips from The Matrix and decided to put them on a site. The truth would be known about THE MAYERTRIX!

So here it is.

How do I explore The Mayertrix?

Just click on Lyrics. This will take you to a page with the lyrics to No Such Thing. Certain words or phrases will be linked to another page. Click on them and it will take you to that page. Read about them and listen to the sound clips!

You're crazy.

Yes. And?
Now go and enjoy my site. NOW!