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there are a few ways you can contact me...
one is to email me at
another is to im me... i'm on aim... but, i have about 15 sns...
| racemeshana | formrrogers | mattakuinsanity | racemeshana122 | ddrne1 | jessykassn | lookimtim | dingdingmoomlmph | dingdingmoo122 | princesstomatoe | princesstomatodx | imsobored122 | elfshapes | rmaxwell122 |
the ones in bold are the ones i use the most often... but, i usually have more than one on at a time thanks to aim+...
you can also leave a note for me right here on my chatterbox:

so, that's all... with all those ways to get a hold of me, there should be no reason for me to not hear from you!