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There Pictures


Flying Charlie (My Red Lab By the Way)


My 1st PAZ (And it rained that day, Can you imagine)

Me in my PAH

Me & Omen On the Moon View

Party @ DefMike's House

Party @ Sooane's House

Playing spades (and losing AGAIN) w/ Kali, Criminal and Kyrie

Me and Zhen_Li Chatting up a storm.

Me & Omen Chatting with some new and old friends @ a gallery

AFK is the only way to be at this party

Me & SOS trying to match for once

Me inside my new PAH










Me & My new Friends @ My Romance PAZ

Playing Spades and Losing yet AGAIN... (I am Cursed)

This is the RED Serpent that protects my PAZ

He's Kinda Bossy Ain't he...LOL










Missing the good Old days :(

Thought this wedding was real unique So I wanted to display it.

Wednesday Night Pajama Party @ Shawdi & PuffDoggy's House

Playing Spades @ Fauna Rose's and Omen's House

Me & BradleyX

Me & Eddie B

Me & Glow @ Inferno

Me & Marcus_Polo

Me & Ush

Almost Winning Spades

My First Spade Win 549:543

Me & Omen on the new Scooter

Playboy Mansion Party