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For centuries people have asked the question: should the legal driving age really be lowered or not?. In another way to put this, should kids as young as 14 drive cars in the streets, do burnouts and stuff. Well why not make a petition that convinces the Board of Driving to change the rule. How good would it be for a 14 year old to drive his mother home from shopping than the other way around. More fun for the children. And also, wouldn't it be great to drive the Skyline just like above, down main street as a kid.

                                                                                                                                             (He thinks he's good. )


Here are some statistics about the Legal Driving Age

Consider all possible alternatives


  1. Keep it at age 16
  2. Lower age
  3. Get a learner's permit earlier but licence at age 16
  4. Keep it at age 16 but only if individuals receives 90% or more on both tests
  5. Raise age to 18
  6. If you are employed you are automatically eligible to take the driving test


Positive and negative consequences

1. Keep it at age 16


Positive consequences

Negative consequences

  • still in school and can take driver training
  • not responsible enough to drive
  • more people pay for insurance
  • accident rate is is high
  • why change something that seems to work?
  • high cost to own a car with little money



2. Lower the age


Positive consequences

Negative consequences

  • parents don't have to drive kids to school events
  • pressure on parents over their children's driving
  • kids are responsible enough to babysit, why not to drive?
  • kids will party and drive because they are not mature
  • accident rate will increase




We probably can do lots of stuff on changing stuff on the roads. Lets hope someday that the age will change as well. The Board of Driving's only concern is that they think that between 17-21 drivers have more crashes than any other age group. They think how worse 14 year olds would be.


Thats not true. Yeah right

So what is your views on this topic. Please email me here and tell me what u think.


P.s Yeah I know its a crap website

(c) By Emil

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