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Once Upon A Time...

Hey you guys! Welcome to my oh so cool web sit. Im Qourtni, i make this thing awesome (much like myself) look around... ( go to my links you will have fun! ) Well, here is the place where i will be putting Tought of The Day... ( it always has to have the ... behind it...8 ) ....................................................... ....................................................... Thought Of the Day... ....................................................... 6/27 Well last night while i was trying to get to sleep I started to think about those kids that run around all happy and they are 'high on life' or 'high on God'. ( Yes they do exist ) I think this is here is what i say! Bitch slap them a few times, take there Bible away, and then tell them their mommys and daddys dont love them. Ya know...make them face reality 8 ) *Q*

My top Bands of the week....
