Revenge: sweet as blood...

Part I

Late evening... Since it's winter it's dark already. Some girl is walking with her dog. Since the dog's really duteous, she takes the dog-collar off and walks further on. The dog follows her. Suddenly she hears a rustle behind her. She turn, but nobody's there. She walks further on, but then notices that her dog's gone. She starts shouting his name and the notices that the dog is already far in front of her. She goes near him and wants to put the dog-collar back, but the dog shows his teeth. The girl shushs him, but he atrts to bark. Suddenly a stronger wing blow, the dog whines and runs away. She call him by name, but he doesn't hear it. The girl runs after him, but soon after looses. She sits beside the street and thinks what to do next. She hears footsteps in the end of the street, but sees nothing more than the silhouette of a person. She got up and went towards him, because she wanted to know has he seen her dog. After a while she could see his face. It was a man about fourty. He was dressed in red flannel jacket and a cap. When she approached him he smiled. She asked if he'd seen her dog, he said that he hasn't. She thanked the man and when he went further, she sat beside the street. When she couldn't hear the man's footsteps anymore she heard another footsteps. This time there were more than one person. She got a load of and understood that that was the local gang. she didn't want to get involved with them, so she went away from them. Further on she saw something like a little alley. It's was dark as hell, she thought that it was perfect, she could hide there until they'll be gone. She turns and goes into the alley facing the strret so that she could see the gang. So she went deeper and deeper into the dark, where she impinged something... no, it was someone...


she impiged someone and appologized (she didn't even meat to talk, but everything happened so fast that she just say as usual). Before she turned to see who she ppunched this 'someone' knocked her out. At first she only saw dark, when she saw something like a red dream. When she woke up, she felt pain in her nape and neck. She opened her eyes and saw gray hair on her face. These gray strands belonged to someone, who had bit in her neck. She started to fight back and even bit the vampire's ear. He reared his head and showed bloody smile. 'You woke up earlier than I expected...' he said and swept blood away from her lips. He looked so unnatural. By face he could be twenty or so, but he had gray hair! The girl putted her hand on the wound and the vampire could see hopelessness and angst in her eyes. 'Well, looky-here! I'm going out for a daily walk and my dinner runs right into my hands... isn't it cute?' Fear. This creature enjoyed it in desert. Looked like he enjoyed every girl's fearful minute. 'don't be afraid.' his cold voice sounded like consolation, but she could see sarkasm in his eyes. Then he without lagging took girl's hand, which was covering the wound, off and continued his activity. The girl tried to set herself free, but it was useless. Her powers fadded. She couldn't tell anymore was her eyes opened or closed, because all seemed to be dark. She still was concious and her body seemed to burn like in flame. 'I'm in hell...' she thought and fell asleep.

Part III

as she woke up she heard someone crying. she tried to open her eyes, but it was useless. she had lost the control over her body. she started to panic. she tried to move any of her members, but she couldn't... she succeeded to open her eyes in a petite rive. she could see her mother sitting beside her bed. she was crying. the girl's father came and whispered something in her mother's ear. that seemed to disappoint her and she covered her face with arms. then she got up and they both went out. in a while two men came in and brought in a.... coffin... the girl had no idea what was going on until she understood, that her parents thought that she was dead... but why? why they thought that she was dead? she couldn't get any idea because all this coffin-thing was stuck in her mind. she felt how they took her body and putted it into the wooden box. they closed the coffin and she could see only faint light lines... she tried to calm herself, but it was no use. she was in panic. her thoughts all mixed up in her mind and she couldn't think... she got claustrophobic... time seemed to pass really fast in her condition, so she didn't even notice how it went. in a while somebody opened the coffin. the light was too strong, so at first she couldn't see anything. in a while she could see familiar faces of her relatives and friends. 'oh, my God!' she though, 'it's my funeral!!!' thought in her head mixed up again. she wanted to scream, but she couldn't. everyone was so calm, but still noone seemed to see the struggle she was fighting. she could hear everything. she thought that if a pin would fall she could hear it. she heard the shepherd ending his church service and everyone of the funeral members came to say goodbies to her. there was everyone: her friends and relatives, even acquaintances that her parents thought were her friends. after that the shepherd and some other guy came and putted the cover again. the first thing she thought, was: 'so this is how you feel when you die...' the claustrophobic freak came over her again. she felt how someone was lifting the coffing and carrying it away, how they putted it into the hole and buried her. Can you imagine, how it is to feel how you're buried?! you can feel everything, your every member, the coffin even the damned soil all over it. you can feel every unspotted thought in the ground. you even can feel the warmth of hell. and it all makes you insane.

Part IV

patience... it's in a formative stage


© loco