Sites We Like
There aren't many links at all because the links that we put down are either sites that have helped us a lot or ones that we enjoy greatly.
Mutatis Mutandis
Matt's X-Men Evolution Site
Acolytes 'R' US
America's Heroes: Freedom Force
Extreme Evolution
Pyro the Mutant Master of Fire
Children of the Atom
Beyond Evolution: X-Men Evolution

If you want to potentially be one of our affiliates, go HERE!!!

Link Buddies
You link to us, we link to you. It's that simple. You will go under this category.
Our Other Sites and Friends' Sites

You Never Know: The Brotherhood of Matt and Izzy
This is actually one of our OTHER sites. The content is similar to this one only it applies to the show of Digimon.

Chibi Curls
This is my friend Sarax's site. I love her layout!! (It's all good, yo!) I can see an aspiring art site in this one! Check out her webcomic!!

Top 10 Listings, Contests and Webrings!!

< # The Evolution Webring @ >
Vote for CHAMPU in Evolution's Top Sites
Vote for CHAMPU in Beyond Evolution: Top X-Men Evolution Sites

WHAT?! You want to link...TO US?! HUZZAH!! We are truly touched. Use this banner:



Well...we only have three banners right now and as you can clearly see...our banner making skills are pretty much non-existant. So... if you are offended by our horrible banners, don't be shy and feel free to make us a banner and we WOULD give you credit! It would be lovely if they were about the size of our horrible banner. Spank you. (Scott would also appreciate it because he's getting irritated by our constant use of him with white hair.)

HEY!! Someone has already made us banners!! Access them HERE!!

Main Page!!