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All Quiet on the Western Front

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Title page

1.Muller who is very smart beings his textbooks with him.He dreams of exams and tests and such.During bombardants he likes to say propositions in Physics.He ends up dying when he was shot right in the stomach.

2.Tjaden is a skinny locksmith who is 19 years old.He eats a lot,more than the rest of the troops.WHen he sits down to eat he is skinny but when he gets up he is big after he eats.He can be some what cunning and greedy.

3.Katczinsky is the leader of the group,he is shrewd,cunning,and hard bitter.He is about 40 years old with blue eyes,bent shoulders,and he usually have soft jobs.He was known to be the wisest in the group and when he said something everyone would listen.

4.Leer was another of the schoolmates to join in the war efforts.He has a full beard.He is girl crazy and believes that the army orders them to wear silk chemise and bath before entertaining their guests,which would be the captains.He stayed with Paul during most of the war.

5.Detering was a man who mainly kept to himself.He is a peasant.He does nothing but think about his farm and is fond of horses,he believes that its wrong to use horses in the war.He also thinks about his wife and family a lot.

6.Kanrorek is a schoolmaster who convinced many of his students, including Paul, to enlist in the army.While he would preach about how joining the war was an honorable thing to do, he himself would never enlist.

7.Kemmerich is 19 years old soldier who was injured.He suffered a flesh wound in his thigh.After the amputation a new infection went through and slowly killed his body.He ends up dying in the hospital.

8.Corporal Himmelstoss also referred to as the "Terror of Klosterberg"did not like Paul, Kropp, Tjaden and Westhus.He would make them do drills in the mud, stand at attention in the freezing cold, etc.

9.Paul told the story of the war as it happened to him.He is taken from the front line, to a catholic hospital, to his home while he is away on leave.He died in October of 1918, just before the war ended. His death was described as this, "...his face had an _expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come."

10.Haie Westhus is a large 19 years old who is a peat digger.He often dreams about the thrashing was the high water mark of his life.After the war he would stay with the Prussians and serve out his time,and his mind is set on that.During his time on the front he collects parachutes from the French star-shells.

Chapter 1

-Kantorek is the school master
-Behm was the first to fall
-Muller is crude and tactless
-They are 5 miles behind the front
-They are all fed and full
-they havent had such luck with food for awhile
-The Prussians are not so generous
-If the troops had more sleep the war would not be so bad
-The 4 men are 19 years old
-Tjaden is a skinny locksmith
-haie Westhus is a peat digger
-katczinsky is the leader of the group
-Soldiers are on friendlier terms
-The publicity had restored their innocence
-the front muffled and rumbled
-the unhappiness of the world is brought on by small men

Chapter 2

-They are trained for 10 weeks in the army
-they went to the district commandant to enlist
-their thoughts and occupation is yet practical in character
-the 3 and 4 class are scattered over the platoons -Corporal Himmelstoss was known for being the strictest disciplinarian in the camp
-He is dislike Kropp,Tjaden,Westhus
-Kropp was given the job of clearing Barrack Square of show with a hand broom
-many became ill from working so hard
-the soldiers are skinny and fragile
-the atmoshphere is carbolic and gangrene
-clogs the lungs
-kennerichs is dead>

Chapter 3

-reinforcements have arrived
-the vacancies are full
-the soldiers land at night in an unknown spot
-they explore the area
-they settle themselves on the sunnyside of the hut
-The barracks are deserted
-Tjaden comes up with a flushed face
-Tjaden has a special grudge against
Himmelstoss,because of the way he educated him in the barracks
-wire netting is hard
-waterproof sheets are too thin.
-they use their blankets to cover themselves
-they have done an hour of saluting
drills because Tjaden failed to salute a major smartly enough
-Kropp is a thinker

Chapter 4

-they go on a wiring fatigue
-it is a warm evening
-Muller is in a good mood for once
-The lorries arrive at the artillery lines
-the air becomes acrid with the smoke of the guns and the fog
-the young recruits are agitated
-they can hear shells distinctivly
-there is a bombardant
-soldiers marched to the front
-the troops are lined down the road
-a red glow spread along the sky
-recruits jump up terrified
-there are long cries
-Katczinsky is restive,thats a bad sign
-there is a second explosion
-the fields are flat
-the only cover is the graveyard
-flames of explosion light up the graveyard
-the graveyard is a mass of wreckage

Chapter 5

-Tjaden is a cheerful soul
-Himmelstoss is raging with army regulations
-the orderly room shows signs of life
-machines guns breakout
-Taden been meditating for hours
-water is thrashing
-there was nothing to trouble about in the army
-during peace-time
-Kropp wants to become leuitenant
-Haie laughs so much he dislocates his jaw
-Muller attacks Kropp
-the war has ruined everything for them
-5 dead,8 wounded
-they roast a goose to eat

Chapter 6

-English artillery has beeen strenghten
-they all aloaf around and cooked rats
-rumor has it that the enemy are going to put tanks over and use low flying planes for their attacks
-the night roars and flahses
-the trench is almost gone
-the troops do not fight
-they defend themselves against annhilation
-death is hunting them down
-they destroy and kill to survive
-forward trenches have been abandoned
-the enemy casualties increase
-the climate is very hot
-close to retreating the enemy
-the troops suffered few casualties
-everywhere wire-cutters are snapping
-the fight ceases
-there is no further attacks by the army
-the evening benediction begins
-at the front there is no quietness

Chapter 7

-the company needs more then one reinforcements
-Himmelstoss is taking the place of sergeant cook who is on gone leave
-Kemmerich is dead
-Haie Westhus is dying
-marten has no leg anymore
-about 120 wounded men lying around
-the comrades are dead
-they all drink and smoke so that their hours are not wasted
-the guys are flirting with the girls
-Paul meets a women
-the company commander gives Paul a leave pass and travel pass.
-Paul gets 17 days of leave
-Pauls mother is very ill
-his mother is pleased to see Paul wearing decent cloths
-Paul wanted to hit the major

Chapter 8

-the camp is surrounded with high barb wires fences
-soldiers practiced company drills everyday
-alongside their camp is the Russian prison
-the camp are seperated by the wire fence
-the men comes in the village to trade whatver they had for bread
-Paul is often on guard over the Russians
-everyday a Russian dies
-Pauls mother is ill with cancer
-operation costs are very high
-Himmelstoss gave Tjaden his education on camp
-the food is scarce now
-the Russians rarly speak and then only a few words
-a word of command has made the Russians their enemy
-because Paul had a long leave,he does not get any on Sundays

Chapter 9

-the first aeroplanes had appeared in the sky
-recruits rolled on past transport lines
-when they arrive they hear that they are no longer in a devestated place.
-Recruits camped out like Red Indians that night
-They hear a rumor that there might actually be peace
-Kaiser is coming to review them
-Kropp hears that they might be going to Russia
-A patrol is sent out to discover just how strongly the enemy position is manned.

Chapter 10

-8 of the soldiers guard the village that has been abandoned
-they are to get provision for themselves
-they select a reinforced concrete on the steps
-the entrance is protected by a seperated concrete wall
-they have now developedan immense industry
-the floors is covered with mattresses
-Paul and kat do patrolling through the houses
-there are visitors
-the burning houses stand out in the night
-after 8 days the soldiers are sent back
-a few days later they are sent to evacuate a village
-on their way they meet fleeing inhabitants
-marching in columns
-at the dressing station they arrange matters so that they can lie side by side
-in the evening everyone houled on the chopping block -the train travels slowly,and then it stops and unloads

Chapter 11

-it is now winter
-shells still exploding
-everything has changed,the people,nature,breeding
-sometimes it is an advantage
-in the end instead of soldiers they see themselves as individules
-a flame of grievous and terrible yearning flares up
-soldiers are hardly distinguish from Brushmens
-their only comfort is the steady breathing of the comrades alseep
-soldiers see everything breaking down around them
-the trench has been shot in 2 peices
-no longer any proper trench warfare
-the front line has been penetrated
-small groups have established themselves
-the fight is carried on from clusters of shell holes
-soldiers are in the crater

Chapter 12

-it is now Autumn
-there are not much people left
-Paul is the last of the 7 guys from his class
-everyone talks of peace and armistic
-Paul has 14 days of rest
-they all return home 1916
-they all return weary,broken,burnt out
-the war will be forgotten
-the feelins that flood over Paul are feelins of greed of life,love of home,yearning for the blood,intoxication of deliverance

The movie, Gallipoli, is about Australia's past and the beginning of the ANZAC tradition. The ANZAC tradition incorporates 'mateship/courtship' and courage, as well as a range of other Australian qualities and themes.Gallipoli took too very different Australian's, with two very different views on war and made a friendship from it, and this friendship grew throughout the film. Although Archy and Frank were both athletes, this is the only thing they have in common. Gallipoli gave a good insight into the the horror of the whole Anzac campaign and on a larger scale that of war itself, one thing was nice was the way the campaign was presented from an Australian perspective which kiwis find surprisingly similar to their own. The movie, “Gallipoli”, and the book, “All Quiet on the Western Front”, have very similar themes and story lines. They both revolve around the friendship between young men throughout warfare.

Chapter 1

1.What does Paul exchange his tobacco with Kattczinsky for?


2.Who is the school master?


Chapter 2

1.What does Kantorek call Kropp,Muller,Leer and Paul?

Answer:"Iron Youth"

2.Who has the reputation for being the strickest disciplinarian in the camp?

Answer: Corporal Himmelstoss

Chapter 3

1.Who failed to salute the major properly?


2.What does Kropp compare the war to?

Answer: a festival

Chapter 4

1.By breathing in the gas shells what will happen?


2.The bombardant was located where?

Answer:the graveyard

Chapter 5

1.What does Haie do to dislocate his jaw?


2.Who said "The war has ruined us for everything"?


Chapter 6

1.What does every soldier believe in?


2.What animal keeps eating at their bread?


Chapter 7

1.What does Tjaden get to catch the attention of the girls?


2.How does the men get to the girls house?


Chapter 8

1.Who gave Tjaden his education?


2.Whose prison is set alongside the camp?


Chapter 9

1.What country is the majority of the labourers,workmen or poor clerks


2.What does Paul rub on his hand so he cant see the blood?


Chapter 10

1.What is the floor covered with?


2.What does Paul do not want the doctors to do to him?

Answer:Chloroform him

Chapter 11

1.What did Mullen give Paul before he died?


2.Whose address does Paul writes in his pocket-book?


Chapter 12

1.What does Paul swallow a bit of in the garden?


2.What year did they return home?


"All Quiet on the Western Front" was written in a first person style. The story was told by Paul Baí±¶íµ², a nineteen year old student, convinced to enlist with the German army by his schoolmaster,Kantorek. Along with many of his friends from school, he is trained under Corporal Himmelstoss, a strictly disciplined commander who dislikes Paul because of his "defiance.". When he was sent to the front, Paul, along with his other friends, made new friendships that would last throughout time. His newly made friend/commander, was a man named Stanislaus Katczinsky. He is of forty years of age he was an wise old man as well as a friend to the young eighteen and nineteen year old recruits.

After visiting the front for long stretches Paul is given fourteen days of leave where he can visit his ill mother at his own home.After this leave he is sent back to training and then back to the front. His trip is lcur short when he discovers that his unit has been reassigned to another area.Finding his unit, he reunites with his friends and joins up with them again in the war efforts.While searching in "no man's land," Paul is confined to a shell hole for a long night. During this night a French soldier falls in the hole and Paul stabs him. The hours were very hard for Paul as he look on and waits for the Frenchman to die. Paul's group has a stroke of luck when they were assigned to defend a village. Since no inhabitants were left they were able to go through the houses to take and use whatever they wanted. One day the French came and began shelling the village. While getting away from all this Paul and his friend Albert Kropp were injured by gunshot wounds.They were sent to get some aid and sent on a train back home.

This ride home was bad. When Kropp got a fever he was suppose to be dropped off at the next stop. For Paul to stay with his friend, he had to convince the nurse that he also was sick from infection. After being dropped off they were taken to a Catholic hospital to be treated. After a few weeks Kropp's leg is better with infection and is amputated at the thigh. After a few more weeks Paul and Kropp went their own ways, Paul going back to the war and Kropp going home.Returning to the front was hard for Paul. The days were getting cold and one by one he watched his friends die. The hardest loss was that of Kat. After Kat had been shot, Paul had to carry Kat to the nearest dressing station a few miles away. Stopping every few minutes to rest, Paul contantly checked to make sure that Kat, even with his injury, was ok.Finally Paul reached the dressing station the nurse told him that Kat was dead. When Paul checked again a small shell fragment had just penetrated the back of Kat's head.He was still even warm.Kat was the last of Paul's friends to die in the war.Then, in October of 1918, Paul finally fell.The book describes his death as, "...his face had an _expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come." The war ended the next month.


1.Beckons :To signal or summon, as by nodding or waving.

2.Foresight :Perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred

3.Requisition :A formal written request for something needed.

4.Disconcerted :To upset the self-possession of; ruffle

5.Drone :To make a continuous low dull humming sound

Chapter 2

1.Embittered: To make bitter in flavor

2.Renunciation :A declaration in which something is renounced. 3.Convalescent : Gradual return to health and strength after illness 4.Prominent : Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface; protuberant

Chapter 3

1.Patronized: To act as a patron to; support or sponsor.

2.Conjure: To summon (a devil or spirit) by magical or supernatural power

3.Mediative The act of mediating; intervention

4. Regiments:A large group of people.

5. Remonstrance :An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances

Chapter 4

1.Hover: To remain floating, suspended,

2.Unendurable: impossible to bear

3.DIgnified: Having or expressing dignity

4. Convulse:To shake or agitate violently

5. Cease :To put an end to; discontinue

Chapter 5

1.Tedious: Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness

2.Magistrate: A civil officer with power to administer and enforce law

3.Studious: Given to diligent study 4. Rubbish:garbage 5. Insubordination :Not submissive to authority

Chapter 6

1.Instantaneous: Occurring or completed without perceptible delay

2.Bayonets: To prod, stab, or kill with this weapon

3.Diminish: To make smaller or less or to cause to appear so.

4. Bombardmant:To attack with bombs, shells, or missiles.

5. Prostuding :To hold the position of authority; act as chairperson or president

Chapter 7

1.Content: Something contained, as in a receptacle

2.Endured: To carry on through, despite hardships

3.Grievous: Causing grief, pain, or anguish

4.Disentanglement:To extricate from entanglement or involvement; free

5. Hoarding :A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache

Chapter 8

1.Sufficient: Being as much as is needed.

2.Cunning: Marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness

3.Obscure: Deficient in light; dark.

4. Apostles:Apostle One of a group made up especially of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel

5. Condemnation :Severe reproof; strong censure

Chapter 9

1.Peevish: Peevish

2.Prosy: Matter-of-fact and dry; prosaic

3.Parsons: American sociologist noted for developing the structural-functional approach to studying social systems

4. Contemtuously:Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.

5. Moderate :Being within reasonable limits

Chapter 10

1.Immense: Extremely large; huge.

2.Mahogany: Any of various tropical American evergreen trees of the genus
3.Fragments: A small part broken off or detached

4. Fastidious:Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail

5. Utter :Complete; absolute; entire

Chapter 11

1.Solidarity: union of interests, purposes

2.Haste: Rapidity of action or motion.

3.Menace: A possible danger; a threat

4. Forlorness:Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned

5. Differentiate :To perceive or show the difference in or between

Chapter 12

1.Armistic: A mortgage whose interest rate is raised or lowered at periodic intervals according to the prevailing interest rates in the market

2.Upheaval: The process of being heaved upward

3.Perplexing: To confuse or trouble with uncertainty or doubt 4. Divination:The art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency.

5. Melancholy :Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom